Part 19: Punishment

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"So, where are your parents?" Murtasim already sat on the carpet, legs crossed under him as he continued to pick up the pieces of lego one by one and hand it over to the girl.... She stopped to look at him with a puzzled face.... "Ammi abbu?" He raised his brows to receive the same expression... "Momma, mummy?..baba, papa, daddy?" he threw a bunch of options...the only one rhymed was 'Momma' and she repeated, "Oomma".... so he thought she must be calling her momma as oomma and nodded.... " No baba, papa, dadda?" He asked one more time and she moved her head left to right when he felt a little pinch at the core of his heart.... Life is so unfair sometimes...

"Casssall" the girl clapped her hands with enthusiasm and Murtasim unknowingly joined her celebration .... "It's beautiful" he said with a smile as he watched the innocent face.... "Whose castle is this?" He asked and instantly pointed his index finger at himself and then towards the castle "Murtasim's castle" he paused to see her frowning face... "Or" he moved the finger to point at the girl "Meesam Casssall" the girl declared to take possession of her property... "Meesam" he whispered to himself ....

"Meesam baby!" Naila called out as she stepped into the door.... "Alinet! Alinet" before Murtasim could figure out the meaning of 'Alinet', Meesam quickly ran around the castle, dropped herself on his lap, and pulled onto his shawl attempting to hide herself behind it....he noticed Naila coming around the table and instantly wrapped his shawl around his chest, saving the little princess from an alien, as he decoded....

"Apology, Khan Sahab.... It's time for Meesam baby to have her snack.... Princess Meerab is waiting for her in the family room" Naila informed with the highest level of courtesy and respect.... he turned over his shoulder and nodded, "hmmm, thank may go now" Murtasim gently dismissed her and she left....

"No more alinet" he confirmed and watched little Meesam peeking out of his shawl with caution.... "Thanks", she got off his lap with his help and started to take out some toys from her back pack... "how about we go for some yummy snacks first?" Murtasim offered to notice the excitement on her face and he smiled.... He pulled himself off the ground, adjusted his kurta and wrapped the shawl around him before turning around to head for the family room.... "Let's go" Murtasim told the little one as he started walking.... She needed to speed up her pace to catch up with his step, when he felt a little pull back as he slowed his pace to look down to his left...Meesam looked up to meet his gaze, flashing her toothy grin as she clutched onto the corner of the soft fabric of his shawl and kept her pace with him... Murtasim offered his hand and she instantly wrapped her tiny fingers around his left little finger... he smiled and continued walking with the little one who was adjusting her stuffed cosie bunny under her left arm while holding onto the stranger with her right hand...a sense of unknown security she felt for the first time with a stranger.... She knew he would save her from all the alinets in the world.... Her secret superman....

Luckily none of the gangsters bothered to tease or talk about the tennis court moments before Meerab, thanks to Saba's clear warning to the team... Meerab was sitting at the right end of the round couch in the family room, wearing a deep purple colored Anarkali suit, the strands of the side hair were pulled back and clipped at the center of the back, leaving the rest open.... Demonstrating an attractive aesthetic image for her man ....

"Oomma!" Meesam excitedly called out as she left his finger to run.... Murtasim's eyes narrowed as he watched her running into the arms of his beautiful wife... "Is that Meesam?" Saba asked as she admired the way the little girl clutched onto her sister-in-law... "Yes" Meerab confirmed as she tightened Meesam's ponytail... sitting on the lap of her Oomma, Meesam took a bite of her favorite chocolate chip cookie... It was Maryam who fell in love with Meesam the moment she appeared with Mr. Nawab an hour ago, when Saba was changing Emad's diaper and giving him cough syrup... Meerab called Maryam for help when she left Meesam in the library with the toys... Meesam was a very quiet and composed girl... she would not run around places like any other hyper and curious toddler.... if she was asked to remain in a place, she would not move an inch from there...

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