The Kids in the News

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Chapter seven:
The Kids in the News

It wasn't long after Franco woke up when his friends had found a way to get on his nerves. They had all spent the night at his house after having too much fun at the roller rink, minus Ruby whose parents had picked her up in the evening. They were never too fond of her friends.

"Neels, turn the tv off." Franco groaned at him from his bed, his voice muffled from the pillow he had shoved on his own head to dilute the disturbance. They had spent the night eating ice cream and passed out watching horror movies.

"Wait, look at this. Something's going on."

There was a seriousness to Neels' tone that alerted Franco to look where he was pointing. His tired eyes fell onto the screen after the static had cleared. "Turn up the volume, bro." He said. "Is that..."

"Daphne and Rafe." Mars finished for him.

The three sat in an eery silence with their eyes glued to the screen. Their local news reporter appeared to be at Sweet Water River, red and blue police sirens blaring chaotically behind her as she held a microphone up to her face in distress.

"Reports of a body fished out of Sweet Water River early this morning which was found by two seventeen year olds who apparently were staying at the Motel—"

There Daphne and Rafe was, standing further back from the cameras wrapped in a shared wool blanket obviously provided to them by the first responders who came to the scene. The shock and horror painted on their faces was enough for Franco to know just what sent them into that state. And in that moment he wished to himself that he could somehow make himself disappear into thin air.

"They found Wendy's body." Neels announced, melancholy taking over. He felt like he was going to be sick.

The soft glow of the fireplace danced on the mahogany walls, casting flickering shadows that seemed to mimic the unease lurking within Franco's heart. His facade of concern barely concealed the turmoil within.

"What the hell is going on in Glimoor?" Mars sighed and looked between her two friends, one of them never meeting her eyes and instead left the room with no words. Franco's sudden departure sent a shiver down her spine. Now in the opulent confines of Franco's mansion, the air hung heavy with an eerie stillness that clashed with the vibrant eighties decor. It now harbored a chilling secret...


As twilight descended, the seasonal carnival unfurled its enchantment upon Glimoor, transforming the town square into a vibrant spectacle. Franco, Mars, Neels, and Ruby Red navigated through the lively chaos, their faces alight with excitement. Colorful lights adorned the stalls and rides, painting the evening in a neon glow. Franco bubbled with anticipation as he led his friends toward the heart of the festivities.

Amidst the whimsical delight, the chatter of families and friends infused the carnival with an infectious energy that seemed to shimmer under the starlit sky. Franco was sure the entire town population was there. Probably traumatized from the reoccurring bad news that would surface with every passing day and wanted to escape with caramel popcorn and ferris wheels.

"We're going to get candy apples." Ruby Red smiled as she she ran off with Mars excitedly.

Franco watched as they disappeared into the crowd. "Looks like it's just you and me—" he turned to Neels who didn't waste time to disappear.

As Franco navigated through the colorful stalls by himself, a familiar face emerged—a boy whose presence triggered a fleeting memory of their encounter in Creepers Forest.

They seemed to have notice each other at the same time. With an air of secrecy in his eyes and an enigmatic smile playing upon his lips, the boy moved directly toward Franco. A shiver danced down Franco's spine as he recognized the subtle yet unmistakable air of knowingness exuding from the boy. Why did he always seem so suspicious? Franco studied his mannerisms, the way he avoided direct eye contact yet seemed oddly observant, as if he held hidden truths beneath his demeanor.

"Did your friends tell you about me yet?" Asked Bates.

Franco paused as the wheels in his head began to turn. "It was you." He thought of the conversation he had with Mars after the Talent Show, where she told him of their encounter. "Why do you keep following me around? Do you even go to our school?" He was growing more frustrated by the second.

Before Franco could unravel the mysteries, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a sudden commotion that erupted nearby. The sound of raised voices mingled with the carnival's cacophony distracted them both momentarily.

"What the fuck were you doing with my girlfriend?" Bakster was yelling at Rafe Peterson in sheer anger, his fists balled and his friends holding him back as a crowd formed and circled around them.

Daphne Davis stood with him and tears filled her eyes in embarrassment and shame as she tried to block Bakster from getting physical with her new lover. "Bakster, please. This weekend was terrible for all of us. Please don't do this here." She pleaded.

Franco rolled his eyes, wishing to himself these were the problems that he had to deal with right now, and not the undercover horrors dancing like skeletons in his closet that haunted him. With a subtle nod and a cryptic smile, Bates melted into the swirling crowd, leaving Franco alone once more to ponder the unanswered questions it had stirred within him. Franco was determined to find him again, and this time get real answers. He didn't like anyone feeling like they could mess with his head. So Franco Jones made a promise with himself that night, that he would do whatever it takes to get out of this completely free and undetected....

Amidst the chaos, a small piece of crumpled parchment by his feet caught his eye that had fallen from the boy's pockets. Curiosity piqued, and Franco cautiously retrieved the paper, unfolding it to reveal a message scrawled in elegant script:

"Secrets unravel under the moon's watchful eye. Creepers forest holds the key to the truth."

Beneath the message was an intricate symbol that resembled an intertwined set of keys.

As the carnival's melody continued to serenade the night, a sense of foreboding swirled within Franco. He pocketed the message in his jeans, its words etching an unspoken promise to explore the mysteries lurking within Creepers forest...

A/N: I will be posting mood boards for the other characters tonight! Stay tuned. Look out for weekly updates. Comments and votes keep me motivated to update more frequently!

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