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October 8th, xxxx

How could you do this to us? They treat us like animals!
I had no choice—
There's always a choice, Mother!
Is there?

AUTUMN HAVE DRAGGED A pile of shit to his doorstep—a pile of shit with the face of a mustached squirrel, the body of a pot and the eyes of a sunken condescending addict, Precious thinks as he stares at the rubbish pouring out of the representative's mouth.
Ambassador, as the Consul says.

Human-Werewolf Ambassador. But Precious knows the term is wrong. They don't have an ambassador representing their interests in the Consul. Therefore, the right term should be Human Government Representative or as he likes to call it, human pile of shit.

That term isn't nice but neither is the utter crap out his mouth. Even Nuka, mild-mannered, enthusiastic Nuka scowls and grits his teeth as he jots down the Terms and Conditions the human government orders of them.

Nothing unusual here.

Since last year, unbeknownst to the Pack, Precious has been fielding, damn right stalling the Consul's outrageous requests. It started off that way—a request—until it became a cleverly disguised threat of violence, blackmail and manipulation.

It isn't enough the pieces of shit are bleeding them dry, they want the very thing the 1943 Elimination of Werewolf Indoctrination Treaty aimed to prevent.

The taking of children as lab rats. Children.

Over his dead body, he'd reacted. That got the Consul mad, just frothing at the mouth in anger. Then, a copy of the treaty's amendment came with this pile of shit three months ago to show him the several discrepancies found in the treaty.

Ambiguously worded clauses indicating that when 'long-distance taming of the wild' isn't cutting it, they have all the right to 'assimilate the young into respectable and civilized adults' for the 'betterment and advancement of society towards a great civilization'.

It hadn't been his best work but Precious had gone absolutely feral on the ambassador snarling bloody murder that unfortunately proved the Consul's point of 'any sign of danger the young might endure, immediate evacuation would be implemented to ensure their safety'.

Goddess is he pissed off.

The Ambassador ran to the Consul, reported the 'grave danger he was in' and 'believes the Alpha is abusing his power'—fucking bastard used abusing.

The Consul are savages in slippery smiles and carefully coded words throwing the Alphas an olive branch. Invited them to the Children Boarding Facility, an inconspicuous building in the medical heart of the city to show them—in good faith—that they (the Consul) have the children's best interests at heart.

Fast forward right now.

The Elders have been briefed of the sticky situation but leaves it to him to decide. Now they trust his judgement. The Elders and Nuka are aware. The shocked pale secretary, to his credit contains his disgust and diligently jots notes.

Precious and the pile of shit have been discussing—more like the pile of shit have been trying to bulldoze him to fold to the Consul's demands.

So far, he's keeping strong. This headache with the Consul and the Blue Sun Pack are doing his head in. Unfortunately, the pile of shit will be a guest for three days before leaving.

Precious will make him leave with no good news. Let him hassle another Pack. Goddess, they are all shit. Experimenting—sorry, forgive his language—studying on children.

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