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October 15th, xxxx

THERE IS NO FANFARE, no effusive greeting, no salutation. Alpha North, accompanied by Major Sandcastle to the Blue Sun compound is greeted and escorted by who he'll later be introduced as Captain of the Blue Sun to the meeting room tucked away from everything else like a shameful secret.

Under the glow of red lights, Alpha North regards the other Alpha's hulking frame decked in charcoal-black suit, the tight French braids, kohl lined eyes, the bronze wolfhead walking cane, the slight bow of his legs, the shine of his shoes; all of the combo making him appear more gangster than Alpha.

Briefly but cordially they shook hands, Alpha Blue welcoming him, asking after his travels as he leads him to the large circle shaped mahogany table holding a buffet of snacks served by the naked boy he met nine days ago.

The naked boy, the Alpha's secretary. Secretary Remy.

Within minutes, the snacks is polished off, table cleared and cleaned, a glass of wine served to the respective Alphas, both of which takes nothing more than a sip.

"Right. Let's begin."

By his words, Secretary Remy neatly drops two documents in front of them—a white binder as glossy as nail polish. Precious skims through and the more he read the more he scoffs to himself until he gets to the end before bursting out a laugh that had the Blue Sun arching a brow.

Wiping a tear from under an eye, he smiles. "Get you confidence like Alpha Blue," he points, "It says here the conclusion for the territory issue would be to divide it."


"Equally. 50/50. What I don't understand is why you think you're entitled to fifty percent."

"Alpha North—"

Leaning forward, he steeples his hands on the table and interrupts. "Your claim is one percent, Alpha Blue. That crust, that boundary of the canyon is your only claim, your only right. Yet you want fifty."

The idea in itself is preposterous.

"It'll be in your best interest—"

"I didn't come here to be threatened. I came to have a mature discussion."

"If you'll stop interrupting me for one second" a pause, "you'll find that my claim is just. The previous Alpha, your Mother promised my Pack seventeen percent. A promise she didn't keep. I'm collecting what's due," a wrist flick at the document, a slight sneer at him. "A written promise might I add. You'll know that if you read the contract."

"A written promise?" flips the pages to its end and feigning confusion says, "That's interesting. But I don't see a seal. Or a signature."

Meets annoyed brown eyes, "The contract was drawn. Except nothing came out of it. Your claim, like I said before, is one percent."

From nowhere, Alpha Blue drops his voice a notch, compassion lacing the low tone. "All I want is for my Pack to go to the waterfall without feeling like trespassers. We are neighbours, Alpha North and we both want one thing. Peace."

Sweet nothings from a snake.

"Fifty percent is more than the waterfall," shifting, he turns to his side resting an arm on the arm of the chair like a log of wood. "We are neighbours and we can be peaceful without North Star giving half of our land."

"Think of it as a safety net for future generations. This confusion of territory lasts as long as you make it. Peace isn't just sweet words and intentions," he pounds the table with a fist, conviction twisting his features to something recognizable, "It's action!"

Precious isn't at all moved. Is quite enjoying himself though. He doesn't want to think that Alpha Blue takes him for a fool or truly sees him as a pushover because he's sheltering Blue Sub omegas.

A slow smile creeps on his lips. "I agree. Wholeheartedly. I want this resolved, to put a stop to the quarrelling forever. Which is why I think your fifty percent is sensible."

Something akin to surprise shines on his honey skin but it's gone swiftly. In its place comes relief then a smug passiveness. Precious lets the words settle, counts slowly to ten before adding,

"And that's why I offer to receive fifty percent of your land."

The smug passiveness clears. In its place comes self-righteous indignation. "Excuse me?"

"That way we'll both think twice about invading the other."

"Alpha North," he begins slow, the lightness of his brown eyes darkens at the anger he's keeping in check, "Your suggestion can be construed as a ploy to destroy everything the Blue Sun Pack has ever built."

"No way, Alpha Blue. The only Shifter that'll think that is the one that thought that. I think it's a great way to build trust. And like you said, to ensure peace for future generations."

"An Alpha's word is their bond. As the current Alpha, you are obligated by pact to fulfill the previous Alpha's promise."

Going the pact route...

"Only if there's a physical seal. There's none. I'm afraid the previous Alpha's promise died with her."

A somber thought he doesn't dwell on. On the other hand, the Blue bastard is fuming. Precious tries not to gloat or grin or click his tongue at the audacity of him. He decided to counteroffer with the original plan he has.

"I offer you this. Five percent. On the condition that your north and east watchtowers are destroyed and any form of surveillance will never be erected, modelled or sent into our land."

"If we have fifty percent, we won't need surveillance."

Slapping the arms of the chair, Precious hoists himself up.

"Again with the threat. When you're ready to have a mature and realistic discussion, you know where to find me. In the meantime, I'll take a walk around, digest the food," he turns to go but glances back at the Shifter trying and failing not to chew on his teeth.

"You should take a walk too. Really ruminate on what I've said. I've found fresh air clears the head."

With that, flanked by Major Sandcastle saunters out of the meeting room into the sweetness of the morning breeze.

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