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October 22nd, xxxx (Late Evening)

YOU CAN TELL THE hubbub of Market Day is nearing a close by the tired but pleased smiles on everyone's face. Most that participated, the buyers, found what they are looking for—and the rest that didn't vows to come back next time fully prepared.

You can tell Market Day is nearing a close by the teenagers of shopowners resting on grass or blankets sipping cold drinks, popping sugary abominations in their mouths after a long day of running errands for their employers slash parents.

You can tell Market Day is nearing a close by the Captain's relaxed posture shooting the breeze with hyperactive Constellation soldiers on coffee, by Sergeant Azure dropping her rank to goofy, relatable Anduan missing her mate stuck on the farm doing last-minute tidying.

You can tell Market Day is nearing a close by the bulk of Major Sandcastle skulking to the clinic to check upon Lata for the first time today since dropping off Community Princess. They make haltingly small-talk, her resentment of being confined in a small space appearing in her reluctance to engage.

You can tell Market Day is nearing a close by Alpha North making an appearance like a rainbow—miracles of miracles. Not a single hair, tie, suit out of place, wearing sandals instead of proper shoes.

He goes to the Constellation soldiers first, charming them with a belated welcome and an apology for not greeting them personally. The leader speaks for the troops, stating that they understand. Market Day buries all in work.

The Alpha claps her on the shoulder, conversing as naturally and fluidly as charismatic leaders are known for, telling them of the gratitude feast and beds that await them because he will not, in good conscience send them off without manners.

Camuel is grateful to be relieved of host duty. He is about dead on his feet but that kind of exhaustion that clears after a pick-me-up. A rowdy pick-me-up.

Volleyball or oil wrestling, the rallied troops bicker but volleyball is decided when the teenagers, in a rare spirit of community bonding, takes interest.

Nonetheless, bickering ensue again when Kamil emerge, both teams wanting him because for some reason, he and Anduan have been involved in some sort of personal volleyball challenge since forever and pitting them against each other is their ticket to aggression. (Or playing together in the same team ensures a stunning win for the team.)

It's in this state of squabbling indecision Alpha North meets them, regarding them in that reserved pensive way everyone has accepted as 'exotic wallflower personality'.

This evening, the children are particularly drawn to it for they shriek and run to him, demanding to be carried, listened to, played with. One, in the midst of blabbing children, who probably have better things to do but he sits on his hunkers and indulges them, a warm smile alighting his face.

Nuka indulges the kids further that from the shadows produces plastic cups of chocolate and wafers. Because of his close-by engagement, someone gets the bright idea to bet on the Alpha.

Boldly declares, "Whoever leads their team to victory gets a one night with the Alpha."

Personally disturbed, Camuel doesn't stop the "Ew," that leaves his mouth, Kamil's ears perk at the suggestion, the teenagers guffaw, Nuka is amused and the rest of the soldiers hiss.

One of the hissing soldiers voice out, "The Alpha will never agree to that."

From his perch on his heels, the Alpha stuns everyone into silence by saying, "The Alpha agrees," then smiles enigmatically.

Camuel breaks the silence. "Ew. I'm competitive. So what if I win? What then?"

"We have a brothers night."

The brother shakes his head and plops next to him, helping a kid breaking a wafer to reveal sweet vanilla goodness.

"You've taken the fun out of it."

Anduan is uninterested and it shows by the theatrical rolling of her eyes. She is uninterested, until her mate strolls into view like the tall, sinewy dynamite that she is, freshly dolled up and bored.

From the distance, Anduan flash a flirtatious smile that Mura emulate by a disinterested rolling of the eyes and suddenly she wants to make the Shifter burn a hole in her nape with unadulterated passion.

Distracted by her own lustful thoughts, she's completely oblivious to the fact that the Major is ready to obliterate any competition through any means necessary.


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