I Do(😣)

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Jihoon's eyes vibrated as he watched the two from afar shared a laugh together as he stabbed his food harshly with his fork. It shouldn't be miss whatever the fuck her name was being all giggly and blushing with the hamster, tiger loving male as they enjoyed their lunch break.

It should be him, it should be Lee Jihoon—who had a liking to the other male since ending of high school up to now—being all giggly and blushing with the hamster looking, tiger loving, slightly older male. Not whoever the fuck that girl is.

'Trust me, she's not the one.'

"Ji, you're going to break the fork like that." A voice said, pulling Jihoon out of his jealous trance and turned his head towards his friend who gently took the fork from his hands. "I'm sure your food is mixed now Hoons." Choi Seungcheol—Jihoon's best friend since primary school said and set the fork down on a napkin.

"What's wrong, Ji? You seem angry." Yoon Jeonghan—the university's angel looking devil and Seungcheol's long term lover asked with deep concern for the younger. "I'm fine Han, just thinking about an assignment that's due tomorrow." Jihoon answered as he picked up his fork and used it to pick up his food and stuffed it in his mouth. All while trying to not look at the two a few tables away from them.

Jihoon sighs as he put down his fork and got up with his tray to throw away his trash in the trash can. "I'll be going now. Don't want to overdue my assignment." Jihoon said as he threw his bag over his shoulders and picked up his drink. "Don't overwork yourself okay Ji?" Seungcheol replied as the shorter nodded and walked away from his friends.

Reality; there wasn't any assignments due tomorrow. In fact, Jihoon has finished all his assignments and turned them in way before the due date. He knew that. He also knew that his friends knew he was lying, but they rolled with it anyways. He wasn't fooling anyone, nobody but himself.

He sighed as he took out his keys and unlocked the door to the one place that felt like home—his studio. He basically lived there instead of the dorm his oh so dear mother paid for him to have. Jihoon felt more safer here, more free to be himself whenever he's in the spacious room.

He threw his bag onto the couch and plopped into his chair with a large exhale of breath. "Why her?" He asked himself as he remembered how the male he admired was laughing and smiling at whatever the girl was spilling out her mouth. It made Jihoon bitter at the thought because it'll never be him who will get to share those moments with the older.

It made Jihoon bitter because all he could do was watch from afar with a scowl on his face. It doesn't make himself feel better though, more so insecure of himself. Was he unattractive? Unapproachable? I mean, yeah he could look mean from afar considering his resting bitch face and the encounters you may see him have with his friends. But truly, he isn't like that at all.

He's not some heartless freak people say he is. He has feelings, he has emotions. His smile can brighten someone's day just by seeing it just like the sun brighten's the earth on a sunny day. And his laugh sounds like a beautiful song entering your ears for the first time and you getting hooked on the melody with the first listen.

And his appearance is far from unapproachable. From his huge comfy hoodies to the baggy jeans he loves to wear. Nothing about his appearance doesn't look unapproachable. If anything, he looks more on the adorable side and anyone would gladly squish his cheeks if he lets them.

So why couldn't he noticed him? Or at least, why can't he get noticed by the other?

It was days later when Jihoon accidentally bumped into someone and his notebooks and papers went flying to the floor. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and didn't see you. I'm really sorry." Jihoon apologized multiple times as he looked down at his feet in embarrassment.

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