I'll Be There(🥰)

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So Jihoon and Soonyoung are friends, like really good friends; best friends even. They've been friends since first grade, they're now in college. And somewhere along the way, one of them may have developed feelings for the other; aka Soonyoung.

But he's too afraid to speak up about his feelings; fearing that he might mess up the amazing friendship he built with the shorter male. So he has locked up these feelings in a tiny volt stored furthest in the back of his heart. Afraid that if he were to show the tiniest bit of feelings towards his best friend, he'll fuck up.

"Soonie!" A small voice exclaimed as the person jumped onto the hamster looking male who instantly caught the other and hoist him further up his back. "Hey Hoons, what's up?" Soonyoung asked, turning to look at the other.

"Did you forget? You promised me ice cream after my classes were done." Jihoon stated in a pout as he looked at the other in the eyes. "Oh right! Come on!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he held onto Jihoon's thighs tighter and started running down the hall, weaving in between other college students who gave them disturb looks.

They made it to the ice cream polar, Soonyoung out of breath as he was bent over to catch his breath. Jihoon giggled as he climbed off the older's back and walked first into the ice cream polar; followed by Soonyoung who finally caught his breath.

"One vanilla and one strawberry please." Jihoon ordered for the two, already knowing what the other wanted without having to ask him. They paid for the sweet treat and walked out of the polar and started a walk to the park.

"Soons?" Jihoon called out as he stared at his ice cream and licking it. They were sat on a bench in the middle of the park, enjoying their sweet treat. "Yes?" Soonyoung answered as he looked over at the younger male with a questioning look.

"Have you ever wondered what it'll feel like to fall in love?" He casually asked as he looked at the other; still licking his ice cream with wonder in his eyes. Soonyoung's breath hitched hearing the question.

I mean, of course he has wondered what it'll feel like to fall in love. Quite frankly, he had fallen for his best friend since first grade and is deeply in love with him, but could never express how much he loves and adores the other male; fear of ruining the relationship he has built with the other.

"Yea....yea I wonder what it'll feel like...why are you asking?" Soonyoung asked softly and Jihoon shrugged as he went back to eating his ice cream. "It was just a thought I had..." he answered and Soonyoung nodded as a silence fell over the two boys as they ate their ice creams in peace.


"Just confess dude!"

"But I'm scared!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he threw himself back and laying flat on the dance room's floor. "And how am I supposed to do that?" He asked rolling over to look at the Chinese male. "I don't know, he's your best friend." Junhui answered with a shrug as he walked over to the bench and picking up his water bottle.

"Hey, what's up?" Minghao greeted at he enter the dance room with a bright smile as he stepped further into the room. "Hey Hao." The two boys greeted the younger as he walked to Junhui and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek; Soonyoung scrunched his nose up at the two's loveliness.

"Don't give us that look, we were just talking about you confessing to Jihoon." Junhui retorted as he wrapped his arms around Minghao's waist as the younger giggle lightly and started playing with his boyfriend's hair.

"Whatever." Soonyoung said rolling over to lay flat on his back and staring at the ceiling. "Sing him a song or something. He loves music, doesn't he?" Minghao suggested, focus on braiding Junhui's dark red hair. Soonyoung suddenly sat up at the idea and turned to Minghao so quickly that he might have gotten whiplash.

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