Oh My Baby!(🥰)

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"Knock knock." Soonyoung said as he knocked on the door and entered the room. "You don't have to knock on your own room door, Y'know?" A smaller male with long black hair said as he continued to read the book he had in his hands.

"I know!" Soonyoung smiled as he fully entered the room and sat near the male's legs. "What's wrong? You're never this quiet." The male asked as he closed the book he was reading and looked at the other in the eyes. "Uh...um....I wanted to ask you something, if that's okay." Soonyoung said as he took the others hands in his and cleared his throat.

"Kwon Jihoon, we've been together for maybe ten years and got married five years into our relationship and I was wondering.......we try for a baby?" Soonyoung spoke as he squeezed his eyes shut, awaiting his husband's reaction.

It was silent for five painful minutes before Soonyoung felt Jihoon throw himself on the older and tackling him into a hug. "Of course we can! You don't know how long I've been waiting to hear that question!" Jihoon said into Soonyoung's ear as he hugged him tighter. Soonyoung smiled widen as he tightened his arms around Jihoon's waist and snuggled into his neck.

"So what do you say? We try?" Soonyoung asked as he pull out of the hug and looked Jihoon in the eyes. Jihoon nodded with a bright smile as he pulled the other into a deep passionate kiss.

Nine months later

"Welcome to the family Kwon Daehoon!" The couple's friends welcomed the baby with bright lovely smiles as the couple walked into the house with a baby in their arms(Jihoon's arms really) as they smiled at their friends.

"Thanks guys." Soonyoung thanked as he guided his husband to their couch in the living room. Their friend Jeonghan was the first to ask to hold the newborn and gladly took the baby into his arms once the couple carefully handed the bundle of joy over to the older.

The rest of the day went on like that, all their friends getting their chance to hold the newborn before the baby was finally back to their parents and the celebration was close to ending.

"Thanks again guys." Jihoon said as he led everyone to the front door. "You have to let us babysit one day." Jisoo exclaimed as he interlock fingers with his husband Seokmin who happens to be Soonyoung's best friend. "We'll see." Soonyoung said with a smile.

"If I don't see my nephew at least once a week, imma steal him in the night just like Tangled." Seungkwan—Soonyoung's other best friend said pointing a finger at the two before his fiancé Hansol dragged him out the house, Seungkwan still yelling threats.

"Congratulations again you two." Seungcheol—the father of the friend group and Jihoon's best friend since forever congratulated the two as he patted Jihoon on the shoulders. "I'll be back to take the baby." Jeonghan, Seungcheol's husband jokingly said as he smiled at the couple. Couple just laughed it off, but really they were hoping he doesn't show up the next morning.

"Congratulations Hoon, you'll be a great father." Wonwoo, Jihoon's other best friend since forever said with a smile. "What about me?" Soonyoung asked as he slid his arm around Jihoon's waist. "Don't burn the house down when trying to cook." Wonwoo smiled and Jihoon started laughing at the statement looking at his husband's pouting face.

"You'll make a good father as well Soons, don't worry." Mingyu, Wonwoo's fiancé said with a smile before the couple left. "Will it be okay if we took Daehoon to China with us?" Minghao, a member on Soonyoung's dance team back then when they were in high school and long term friend asked with a hopeful smile.

"When he's at least thirty Hao." Jihoon answered with a smiled and Minghao pouted. "It's okay Ming-Ming, we'll just take him out of school early and be on the next flight to China." Junhui, another member of Soonyoung's old dance team, long term friend, and Minghao's husband said with his million dollar smile.

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