A Secret Between Me And You(😣)

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The sound of rocks hitting a bedroom window could be heard as the male laying on his bed reading a book smile knowingly. He quickly got out of bed and walked over to his balcony. "You know, my parents question the multiple rocks on my balcony?" He said as the male down below quietly chuckled.

"Tell them it was raining rocks." He said as he gestured for the other to come down. "Yea, like my parents would believe that." He retorted as he slid down the rope and into the other's arms. "I missed you." The other said as he connected his forehead with the shorter. "I missed you too." He whispered as he placed a kiss on the taller's lips.

"It's so hard pretending in front of everyone Jihoon. When can we not hide?" Soonyoung asked with a sigh as he pulled the other closer. Jihoon frowned as he wrapped his arms around Soonyoung's neck. "You know we can't, our parents hates each other to the core." Jihoon said, his frown deepening as he saw the look in the older's eyes.

"Come on, I have something planned for us." Soonyoung said, taking the shorter's hand and running to the sidewalk. They ran into the night with love and laughter the darkness only knew of. They made it to the park and there Jihoon saw it, a cute picnic lit up with fairy lights under the tree the young couple met each other.

"Oh Soons! I love it!" Jihoon gasped as ran to the picnic and looked in the basket that was there. "I knew you would." Soonyoung said with a smile as he laid next to Jihoon and ate a grape. Jihoon looked into the basket again and saw the Uno cards and smiled mischievously, "ready to lose?" He asked, showing the cards to the older.

"Oh come on Ji! Let me win just one game." Soonyoung whined as he threw his cards down as Jihoon won their fourth game. "Never." Jihoon stated with cheeky smile as he shuffled the cards. Soonyoung smirk and grabbing a grape, throwing it at Jihoon who gasped and let out a surprise sound.

"You did not?!" He asked, throwing the grape back at Soonyoung. "Oh you wanna go there!" Soonyoung declared as he stood up with a handful of grapes, throwing them at Jihoon who tried to dodge them all. Soon enough they had a food fight in the middle of the dark park.

They fell back onto the blanket and calmed their hearts as they stared up at the stars. "What time is it?" Jihoon asked as he grabbed his phone, it turning on by itself showcasing a cute picture of him and Soonyoung as his wallpaper. But also the time, which reads four forty four.

"Shit!" He cursed as he sat up and gathered his stuff together. "What's wrong, Ji?" Soonyoung questioned with worry in his tone as he sat up. "I have to get up in a two hours to go with my dad to the office." Jihoon said as he stood up and put on his jacket.

"Come on!" He added as he pulled Soonyoung up and helped put the stuff together. They raced through the night back to Jihoon's house, making it there in about ten minutes when it's a twenty minute walk. "I'll see you later!" Jihoon whispered about to climb the ladder up to his balcony.

"Ji?" Soonyoung called out with his arms open wide and a confused expression on his. "Oh right!" Jihoon said to himself softly as ran back to the older and kissed him passionately, Soonyoung kissing him back just as passionate. "I love you." The shorter whispered with a fond smile.

"I love you too." Soonyoung whispered back and let go of Jihoon, allowing him to climb back up to his room. Once the younger was on his balcony, he waved bye to Soonyoung who waved back before entering his room; leaving Soonyoung standing there with a picnic basket and blanket in his arms.


"Morning sweetheart." Mrs. Lee greeted her son who walked down the stairs sleepily. "Morning mom." Jihoon greeted back as he sat at the dining table and laid his head on the table. "Did you rest well?" Mrs. Lee asked worriedly as she rubbed her son's head. He just shook his head and slowly fell back to sleep.

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