New Talent

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2003-Dave's Wedding Reception

The foos were all in attendance at Dave's wedding and subsequent reception, Shy had been part of the wedding party as one of Jordyn's bridesmaids, however once the 'I do's' were done and over with came the party and everyone knows there ain't no party like a Foo Fighters party, There were speeches and jokes and Dancing. Jordyn's actual maid of Honor didn't want to say a speech being overly shy and having a fear of public speaking but Shy stepped in and when it was time she got up to Speak. "I know! I am not the maid of Honor your eyes are not playing tricks on you. However, I am quite close with Dave and Jordyn. Dave having been my mother since age thirteen" She paused as everyone laughed Dave just pointed at her and feigned being angry but smiled as she continued on "Dave, I gotta say meeting and getting with Jordyn is the best decision you made since you let my dad into the foos." Dave nodded in agreement as she turned to look at Jordyn "Jor, I love you seriously. You're another family member that I treasure so through any bumps and scrapes just stick around ok? Dave may be a bit Wacky but he's totally awesome and he loves you more than anything in the world. That being said I'm gonna shut up because I'm told I have to sing after...So....everyone raise your glasses and toast Jordyn and Dave. I wish all the happiness in the world for you both" Everyone raised their glasses and toasted them. Just after that Dave's childhood friend Jimmy said a few words as Shy sat back with Taylor and his girlfriend Alison, she looked to him "Dad..." Taylor was drunk but at least he was a happy drunk, he slipped an arm around her shoulders and smiled "Daughter" She giggled "are you sober enough to play drums?"

Taylor sat for what seemed like forever before answering "ummm I think so" Alison just shook her head "He's ok Shy he's just being a dork" Shy smirked and pointed to Alison "You can stay. I like you" hearing his daughter say that made Taylor so happy because she generally found something wrong with any chick he dated, mind you there usually was something wrong with them. Alison leaned over to Shy and gently touched the girl's hand "I know how important your relationship with Taylor is to him and how important he is to you, I never want to get in the middle of that. He's your dad and from what I can see he's a damned good one" Shy nodded smiling "He's the best Dad. Fun most of the time but tough when he has to be" Alison smiled "You guys have a unique relationship and I totally support it." Shy smiled "Thanks Al." She looked to Taylor as she stood "I have to find my date, Dad I'll find you when we have to go onstage" Taylor nodded frowning "You're too good for that guy"  Shy looked to Alison with pleading eyes "Please explain to him that I'm 18 now" Alison chuckled and nodded "I will. go on have fun" The girl kissed Taylor's cheek and took off to find her boyfriend and Of course Taylor was right she is too good for the guy but he also doesn't know the reason she stays, nobody knows why she stays all the foos think he's a social climbing asshole who treats her horribly.

She found him and was pulled out of the room out of sight of everyone "Col what's going on?" Her boyfriend Colin Macclesfield just dragged her behind him "We're fucking leaving" Shy shook her head pulling away "Yeah no, If you wanna leave go ahead but I'm not leaving this is my family" She never fully expected it when it happened, but happen it did Colin hauled off and punched her, hard she hit the ground but something inside of her snapped as she pulled herself back to her feet "GET AWAY FROM ME! WE'RE FUCKING DONE!" She hadn't meant for anyone to hear her but they did suddenly she saw Shifty by the door holding Taylor who looked like he was about to murder someone, Alison had squeezed past the crowd at the door and wrapped her arms around Shy "Come on sweetheart he's not worth the pain." Shy managed to keep her tears at bay and barely winced when Alison gently wiped some blood from her face. Taylor was frantic trying to pull away from Shifty as Dave got in front of him "Taylor! Shy needs you right now" Dave turned and looked at Colin his brown eyes seeming almost as dark as coal "You have three seconds to get the fuck out of here or I'm gonna kick your ass" Colin looked down "You don't understand! She acts like a fool to embarrass me!" Dave shook his head "No. nothing she does has anything to do with you, it's WHO she is. Now fuck off or I'll kick your ass"

Colin sighed figuring that he wouldn't be able to get through to any one of the foo fighters, but it didn't matter, she'd be back, she always comes back. He smirked slightly at Dave "I'll go. But she'll be back" Dave shook his head "Not this time asshole" Back in the hall Alison and Taylor sat with Shy, the former gently holding ice to the girl's face to bring down the swelling while the latter just held her hand "Baby girl, Why didn't you tell me that he hurt you? I'm sorry I didn't see it before now" Shy shook her head "I didn't want you to know. I was humiliated dad, you taught me to be strong and not take anyone's shit but that's exactly what I did with him, I made him mad all the time" As Taylor went to speak Alison got there first "No. Don't you do that, sweetheart the only person who is at fault is him. There is never a good reason for a man to hit a woman. You've seen your dad and me have the occasional argument, have you ever seen him hit me or even come close to hitting me?" The girl shook her head "No because he's a good man" Taylor smiled "I dunno about that much I was just taught that a guy doesn't hit a chick"  Alison kissed his cheek "You're a better man than you think you are." Shy looked down as a tear fell "What if I never find what Dave and Jord have? or even you guys?" Taylor pulled her into a tight hug "You will. You're beautiful, and funny, and talented. You will find someone that sees those things in you and won't try to extinguish who you are"

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