Little Frayed around the ends

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Taylor had raced to Dave's house as soon as he had gotten the text in the morning stating that both Shane and Shy were there and there was some concern about Shy. Dave was making breakfast when his friend showed up, he had barely let his friend in when the blonde nearly bowled him over "What's going on? Why are Shane and Shy here? are they alright? What happened?" Dave sighed "T, calm down have a coffee and then I'll explain." Taylor tried to calm down and got himself a cup of coffee sitting at the breakfast bar he took a breath "D, You never text me worried like this unless something's really wrong" Dave went back to cooking and sighed "Shane came to me last night scared for Shy." The blond looked up "Scared why? is she sick?" Dave shook his head "not exactly and it's probably not my place to say anything, you should probably see her before anything however, I'm only going to tell you that Shane is afraid that Trevor was hurting Shy."

Taylor's eyes widened "Did she seem injured when she came here last night?" Dave shook his head "No, she was upset but didn't seem injured, but she's hidden this stuff before" Taylor took a breath and stood "where is she?" The dark haired man glanced toward the stairs "Guest room. tread carefully T, if she hasn't told you about it, then she wasn't ready for it to be known" Taylor nodded "I know my own kids D" that being said Taylor slowly made his way toward the guest room and knocked lightly only letting himself in when he heard the sound of retching and crying "Shy? What's wrong?" he found the girl on the floor of the en suite throwing up, he didn't hesitate to move to her side to gently pull her hair back so that she didn't vomit in her hair and also he gently started to rub her back "Hey baby girl it's ok, I'm here" when she had finally emptied the contents of her stomach she leaned back "Hi daddy" Taylor smiled and kissed her forehead "If you were sick you could have just sent Shane here" she shook her head "not that kind of sick. Since you're here so early I'm guessing Shane or Dave called you" He nodded "Dave texted. I was worried so I came to see what was up. You care to tell me what's going on?" She sighed leaning her head against his shoulder as they sat together on the bathroom floor "The wedding's off. Trev and I broke up" He frowned "What happened?" She bit her lip "Well...I told him that I'm pregnant and he insisted that I get rid of it. I told him I wouldn't do that and he got pissy and left" Taylor nodded giving her a look that told her he knew she was holding back, she chuckled sadly "I hate when you get that look" He raised a quizzical brow before responding "Which look is that?" she groaned "That all knowing oracle look that you get when you think I'm hiding something"

smiling he pulled her close and kissed the top of her head "are you hiding something? Shane seems to think Trevor was hurting you" She sighed "It happened a couple times but it wasn't like before." Taylor tried his best to hold back the anger that he was feeling "Please explain" She sighed "He hit me once before and last night too" He tightened his hold on her "What happened last night?" she tried to fight back the tears that threatened to fall "He kept aiming for my stomach and kept hitting until I said he was hurting me...I'm sorry Shane had to hear it. I didn't want him to have to experience that" Taylor shook his head "Baby girl as far as I know he didn't see anything and you managed to hide the pain you were in from him, Dave and Liz. He just heard you telling Trevor that he was hurting you, that's what scared him" she looked down "so I don't suppose I'm allowed to move home for a little bit?" He chuckled and nodded "of course you can, for as long as you need. Dave and Me will go get your stuff in case he's there" She hugged him tight "Thanks so much dad" Taylor smiled and hugged her again before standing up "are you feeling any better? do you need to puke again?" She shook her head and let him help her to her feet "I'm ok. I could really go for a cup of tea and some toast though" Taylor smiled and gave her a hug "I'll go put your order in with Dave. Can you show me if he left any bruises or would you feel more comfortable showing LIz?" She bit her lip and nodded "I think Liz would handle it better. You're already barely holding in your anger" Taylor placed a gentle hand on her cheek "You don't go back to him ok? I don't care how many times he apologizes to you, you don't put yourself in danger again alright?" She nodded and moved to brush her teeth "I won't. Please tell Liz that she doesn't need to rush" He shook his head "I'll tell her you need her and that's all I will tell her"

After he left it only took a few moments before there was a soft knock on the door and Liz stuck her head in "Hey. Your dad said you needed me?" Shy bit her lip "He wanted to check for bruises but said If I felt more comfortable with you checking that he would send you up" Liz nodded "So that fucker did hit you." Shy sighed and lifted her shirt showing Liz a litany of bruises over her stomach and sides from where her now ex had actually kicked her "She heard her uncle's girlfriend suck in a breath as she looked over the bruises a moment before she looked back to the young woman "You need to go to the Doctor and make sure the baby is alright" Shy looked down "Well I'm still puking so I think the baby might be fine" Liz shook her head "Do it anyway. He did a lot of damage from the looks of these bruises, the baby is probably fine but it's advisable to any pregnant woman that if you get hit in the stomach even if there is no pain you go see your doctor" Shy nodded and looked to her "Will you come with me?" Liz smiled and hugged her gently "Of course I will. I bet Alison will too if you ask her" Shy brushed a hand through her hair and groaned "I'm never gonna find a decent guy am I?" Liz gently took her hand to lead her downstairs "You'll find who you're supposed to be with. It took me a long time to find Dave and now that I have him I'm not letting him go" Dave looked up as he heard his name and saw them walking into the kitchen "That's probably good because I'm not letting you go either Elizabeth. Shy here's your toast and tea." Shy smiled and nodded "Thanks Mom" she replied making Dave laugh again she took a seat and started to drink her tea as Taylor looked to Liz "Well what's the verdict?" Liz smiled "I'm going to take her to see her doctor to be on the safe side, but yeah there were bruises" As the other three talked shy found her mind wandering back to a time where she never had to worry about meeting guys or people beating her because Taylor had kept her as safe as he could, she was brought out of her reverie hearing Taylor's hand slam down on the table as he stood up "I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Shy frowned and moved from her seat and over to Taylor to hug him tightly "No. He isn't worth it. You and Dave can go get my stuff, I'll come home for awhile and we never have to think of him again" the blond drummer put his hands gently on her face and frowned "Why won't you let us protect you?" she looked down "Because I'm an adult and shouldn't need my two dads to protect me" Dave shook his head "You've got more than me and T. And yeah you should need us to do that, because that's what we signed on for when you came into our lives."

Liz looked between the men "Guys, calm down. T she just needs you to do what you always do, love her through it, same for you David. I'm sure I can get some backup for her when she's ready to go out and about on her own" Dave nodded "Alright babe. We just want her to be safe" Liz smiled "I know. And she is safe she's with her dad."

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