That Mystical Night - Detailed Feedback

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That Mystical Night is an emotional BTS oneshot written by butterflys_effect. It is the well-deserving winner of the Eclipse Awards, oneshot category. It is a very moving piece that I think everyone should read.


Detailed Feedback

What Worked:

I've already written an essay for the characters, so I'll save the characters for the end this time. Let's focus on the rest of the story for now, but strictly for now because I can only hold back for so long.

I don't see why anyone wouldn't read this story. It's a quick read, but in such a short amount of time, powerful emotions are conveyed through the smart storytelling and pacing that I will elaborate on in one or two paragraphs from now.

The plot is simple and easy to understand without feeling forced or too basic. Aera dreams of dancing and wants to get asked to prom. Jimin takes her to prom and that's when the magic begins. Like I said with Noctivagant, the plot being simple allows the complexity of the characters to shine.

In simpler terms: considering Aera's character and what she wants, the plot makes sense and is the perfect choice to craft this narrative around.

While on the topic of plot, I think the pacing is solid and does a good job taking us from point A to point B without feeling too fast or too slow. We are given information about Aera's life without it feeling forced or too slow, then we transition to meeting Jimin and the events of the core plot unfolding. 

Many oneshot writers tend to rush through the beginning part to get to the core, but you don't have this problem. Every piece of new information we are given feels like it contributes to the story in some way, even if it's small.

The themes are admirable and there are many to interpret based on the text. Of course, hope is the most obvious one to interpret due to how the story ends, but there is more than just that. You can also interpret a theme of how fear impacts our personality, whether intentional or not.

The amount of love and care put into this oneshot is impressive. The themes are intertwined with the words so nicely that it takes a close reader to be able to interpret all the important messages the author is spreading.

I'm going to lose my sanity if I don't talk about it: let's get into the characters now.

If I go into another deep-dive about Aera and the feeling of hopelessness from not being able to walk again, I might sob because I've been having some issues with my legs and feet again recently, so this story is almost like a comfort to me. It's like a beacon of hope that helps those who are going through what Aera is. Aera is truly fantastic because of how realistic she is and how her emotions impact her.

There are small details put into Aera's feelings that are things most authors don't think to include when writing a disabled character. The way she views herself, her wants in life, her fears, etc. all make her a well-rounded character that makes sense for the narrative.

I spoke a lot about Aera in my initial review, so I'd like to take a look at Jimin too. Jimin is a wonderful character that acts as the physical manifestation of optimism and hope in the story. He is Aera's literal beacon of light that gives her a reason to fight.

Jimin has great dialogue and interactions with Aera. His charm shines through, and he is like a siren to the reader. He brings them in his trance and makes them trust him. He is a very warm figure in this oneshot, and even though Aera is the main protagonist, Jimin and her dance in the spotlight equally (haha, see what I did there?).

Neither character outshines one another. They contribute to their stories in a fair way. It's easy for an author to spend so much time crafting one character that the others or at least one other gets left behind. This story does not have that problem. Even the side characters are good additions, and I'm so glad you didn't try to overload this story with more characters and decided to keep the focus on Jimin and Aera.

Overall, the story is fantastic. The characters are the highlight since this is a character-driven story, but the other elements here, like the layered themes and the simple plot, make the narrative feel more cohesive and interesting. Every element of this story feels like the author moving their chest pieces strategically, and I loved watching it unfold.

This is probably my favorite Wattpad story I've read this year, or at least in the top 3. It was masterfully done, and my personal connection to it due to my life experiences means it holds a special place in my heart and acts as a piece of comfort for when my disability begins to evoke the emotions you conveyed in your work.

I should stop before I write another essay-

Speaking of, this is longer than my college essays.


What Didn't Work:

Creatively, I have no suggestions whatsoever. I think this story does a masterful job of crafting a narrative and tying the plot together with intriguing characters that have emotional backgrounds.

The only suggestions I have are grammatical, but since I already explained them in my initial review, I'll only give a very brief rundown, but I'll be happy to elaborate if the author wants me to!

There were some spelling errors and moments where it was confusing because I didn't know who was speaking since dialogue spoken by different people were occasionally put in the same paragraph.

Yeah, that's it. Like I said, very brief rundown. This story had such an emotional impact on me that I don't feel it's fair to dwell on the grammar, especially when I already explained the grammar in my initial review.



- Characters 🤭💜

- Good plot that fits the characters and themes

- The pacing is very good

- The themes are *chefs kiss*

- Some grammar errors



That Mystical Night is a powerful narrative that covers the struggles of motor disability. It does not shy away from the reality faced by those struggling with said disabilities, making it a realistic and emotional read that appeals to a diverse audience that wants to cry or, at the very least, get emotional.


Out of all the stories I've read on Wattpad, this may be the one that touched me the most. I understand I'm biased because of my personal life and experiences being very similar to the protagonist's (and I very rarely see my experiences in books), but I strongly believe the writing is beautiful and it captures the feeling of helplessness and self-hatred perfectly.

I already wrote an essay, so I won't do it again here to spare your eyes, but just know the story is very good and emotional.

Everyone reading this, you should go check out this author and their story. It's an excellent and fast read that you will remember for a long time.

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