Slice of Death - Short Feedback

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Slice of Death was written by Artemis_writes25. This story was the third place winner in the Fairy Night Awards for the best concept category, and it is very well deserving considering it follows the idea of Death, and yes, I capitalized it on purpose. This novel features Death personified as a mom and dad depending on who's looking.


Short Feedback:

Yes, you read that intro right: this story is about Death as both a physical and mental concept where the ones who see Death see Death as either a mother or father, which leads to interesting scenes where the characters mentally spot the differences between their versions of Death. One may see a mom while the other sees a dad, and they don't even believe one another upon hearing that.

Along with the awesome concept, we're treated to heartfelt characters who have relatable personalities that make you want to cheer for them, and they're supported by an engaging plot that will keep you hooked throughout the runtime of the story.

The main criticism I had had to do with exposition, but I already covered that in the core review, so I won't go over it here when the concept is this awesome. In summary, this story has an incredible premise that will hook any reader in, and if they don't get hooked in, they're probably crazy since this was a banger of a concept.



- Death personified is a fantastic concept

- The characters are relatable

- Engaging plot

- Some exposition critiques



Slice of Death is one of the most unique concepts I've ever read on Wattpad. It has a unique spin on what Death means, especially to children. It gets dark in many areas, but there's a surprising amount of light throughout that makes you like Death, which will probably give you a life crisis, to be honest (in a good way). If you're someone who enjoys awesome concepts executed well, then this is the perfect book for you.


Thank you for submitting your story to the Fairy Night Awards, and congratulations on winning third place! Everyone who is reading this, I hope you guys check out the story and the author.

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