Don't hurt my family.

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-Zane's POV-

So far I have been living with my family for three months now. Last night was the first night that I tried not sleeping with Fang. Wait! Don't try to make that sound weird. He only sleeps with me so that I'm not scared! That's it! That's all! I promise! I swear even! I didn't get any sleep at all. When I turned over and tried cuddling, there was nobody to cuddle. The weather outside was horrific that night. I can only say that it was my fault considering the only type of weather I can really control is lightning. At least I have figured out how my powers work. Nudge showed me this animated show called 'Avatar: the last air-bender'. Gazzy and Nudge tried teaching me some of the moves that they learned but nothing happened. It was later when I found out that its my emotions that control what element I control. Lightning was when you felt powerful and prideful. I assume that fire means rage but... I'm never mad so... yeah. I could somewhat control water when I was sad and it had to be rare to see me sad. Angle would probably be the only one to know.

"Morning..." I muttered softly as I walked down the stairs. I could barely even hear myself. I looked like a wreck.

"Wow! What happened to you little guy?" Dylan asked. He ruffled up my hair. I nearly collapsed but he caught me. I made a few inhuman grunts before Iggy said.

"English please."

"Can't sleep..." I muttered.

"What did he say?" Max asked as Iggy passed her a plate of eggs.

"I think he said campy." Dylan said.

"No, he obviously said pantsy." Gazzy said.

"Can't sleep!" I grunted again.

"Oh, he said that he can't sleep." Dylan said. I pulled away from him and sat on the floor.

"Oh, is that because you didn't have a sleeping buddy?" Iggy laughed. I pouted and made more inhuman groans. They where much louder this time.

"I get the feeling that he's cursing me out in jibberish." Iggy said.

"He is." Angle said as she took in a mouthful of hash browns. I nodded my head and smiled at Angle.

"You're welcome." he responded.

"Sorry pal, but your human pillow is out." Iggy said as he started eating his food. I grunted.

"You know... I wouldn't mind being there for you for a short nap.... just this one time..." Iggy said. I nodded my head as fast as I could... and that still wasn't very fast. I felt like I was dying! I laid down and curled up in a ball.

"Iggy, you might want to hurry with that! He's in the fatal position!" Dylan said. That's what they say every time I just curl up. Usually I said something back but right now I didn't have the energy to even glare at them. I just closed my eyes and let my breathing to become more shallow.

"Hey guys, he really doesn't look okay." Max pointed out. I heard someone get out of their chair. Before I knew it I was moving. I opened my eyes and saw Iggy, he was carrying me bridal style. Right as we landed on the couch, I snuggled up to him and was completely knocked out...

"GUYS! WE HAVE TROUBLE!" I opened my eyes immediately. I hadn't slept long enough. I looked around alarmed and saw Iggy was still next to me. It looked as if he was just sleeping too. I looked at the door and saw Fang. He must have been the one that yelled.

"What's going on?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"The school found us." he said. My mind froze over. Everyone was hurrying out the door while my mind was moving in slow motion. I don't really know how to fight. When my mind snapped back into place, I noticed that I was the only one left in the house. Everyone else was already outside fighting. They where fighting some kind of tiger/ human... I knew what erasers where and these aren't erasers. Weren't the erasers eradicated? I looked around and saw these tiger things beating them up. They where clawing and kicking at my family. The flock looked really torn up. I just stood there but my anger flared up. Yeah... remember what I said about how I never get angry?... Well its happening now I think. My body burned. I could see and feel my entire body on fire. It didn't feel bad or painful. It felt like I was being encased in hate and anger. I charged at the mutants harming my family. I punched them with my fists covered in terrible skin-eating flames. They howled in pain. I growled and kept swinging. I didn't dare reach out to touch my family. I wasn't confident enough to try and touch them. I didn't want to burn them.

"Go Zane!" the younger ones cheered. I started feeling the power. The fire and electricity coursed all over me. When I tackled one of the tigers they immediately where out. I could just touch them and they would be done for. I felt like some kind of inhuman plague now. If I touched anyone... they would die... Eventually there was one more left. I stepped towards it and it clawed Angel right in the back. Now the anger and fire only overtook my body. It wasn't only my body that was in flames, it was nearly everything around me. The air was dry and hot.

"DON'T TOUCH THEM! I was fine when you hurt and clawed at me... but when you go after my family THAT WILL BE THE END OF YOU!" I grumbled. I know that I spoke those words but it didn't sound like me. I reached for the monster but I didn't even get to touch it before it turned to ashes. I was shocked. After a while. The fire died down. All that was left now was a shell. I felt empty. I felt like I had lost everything. I was a murderer.

"Angle!" Max screeched. I fell to my knees.

"I'm sorry." I kept muttering. I couldn't control myself. I covered my face in my hands.

"ane... ZANE!" someone yelled shaking my shoulder. I looked up and saw Iggy.

"Y-Yes?" I asked.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I-I'm fine. Worry about yourselves." I told him.

"Your one of us. We have the right to worry." he said. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thank you." was all that I said. Afterwords I helped them get all patched up and bandaged. They weren't mad at me. I also didn't completely understand why I was mad at myself but there was one ting that I knew for sure. I couldn't hurt these people by staying here any longer.

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