A New Start

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[Gemuga Plaza, Korea]

Everyone was mourning the loss of Cha Young's mother. It all happened very sudden, Cha Young's father loved his wife and now that's she's gone he doesn't know how to start life, what to do and how to upbring his little daughter alone. Hong Cha Young was only 7 when her mother passed away, she indeed is too young to know and feel the troubles of life.

The Gemuga Plaza tenants really supported and encouraged Cha Young's father but he really couldn't bring himself back. He decided to finish the cases he has taken in his lawfirm and move to a new country with his daughter, that woul be a new start for him and he can raise his daughter, teach her well and and spend the remaining time of his life with her.

This all seemed too easy but Yoo Chan knew starting a new life has it's own struggles but he had no choice. Everytime he went home, he missed her presence, he missed how she scolded him for working late, he missed how he, his daughter and her wife used to go to night markets, he truly missed those days, they were a complete happy family but now he knows he can't give up, he has a daughter to take care of and he will do his best to raise her as a single-parent.

These were his thoughts while he was cleaning his office desk when suddenly a business card fell on the floor. Yoo Chan picked it up and read the details on it. It was some 'Kang Min Soo' who lives in Italy and works in a law corporate there. This contact seemed useful and so Yoo Chan kept it aside. He hasn't decided which country to move to, but why not give a try to Italy. He remembers a Mr. Kang Min Soo coming to thank him in his office for helping him in a business case.

(A few days later) [in a Coffee Shop]

Hong Yoo Chan was waiting for Mr. Kang sitting in a coffee shop.

"Ahh Mr. Kang, here " Yoo Chan held out his hand.

"Hong Yoo Chan-sshi" Min Soo gladly accepted his hand.

After the pleasentaries were exchanged and Min Soo shared his condolences, they had the actual talk.Yoo Chan told his plans to him and asked for his help, Min Soo sincerely replied "Yoo Chan-sshi I'd be glad to help and to be honest we do need a loyal lawyer in our firm there."

Yoo Chan was pleased and relaxed to hear that but he was a bit worried about his legalship and his law degree, a bit hesitantly he asked "The news really eased Mr Kang but I'm a bit concerned about the legalship document of me and my daughter and my law degree of here in Korea? Will I be able to practice law easily there?

Min Soo replied "Aaah, about that, it will take a couple of weeks, but I assure you and your daughter will be well-settled there legally and about your law degree, I also studied and graduated from here, Korea, you would have to get your degree accredited by NCA, a couple of documentations and self-study and you'll be well."

Yoo Chan was completely eased now, he thanked Mr. Kang and said he was indebted to him for so much help and favor.

It's just a couple of days until Yoo Chan and her daughter leave Korea and say hello to a whole new world.

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