Lull Preceding the Tempest

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Maria and the man exchange pleasantries and then she excuses herself and walks over to the bodyguards standing away.

She chooses to inform Luca regarding this little encounter.

Since the incident at the casino, Capo had strictly ordered all four of them to inform him about every little encounter and her plans beforehand in case things go south like that day.

She takes glances at the both of them while texting briefly.

When the man's bidding her farewell, she chooses to walk back to her.

The man leaves and Cha Young looks at her and smiles as they resume strolling.

As they walk past the numerous little stalls, she answers her wordless question.

"An old acquaintance from university." Maria nods.

Interesting, she thinks but doesn't inquire for any more information.

"He's a cardiologist, graduated from La Statale, a Korean. He worked in Milan during his early career years and now is on a supposed vacation in Malta. He'll fly to Korea soon, perhaps planning to permanently settle there." Alfonso spills the details as Marco hands over the background-check papers to him.

"Malta?" Vincenzo questions.

"It is most probably Antonio who advised him to lay low for a few months." Vincenzo hums, nodding as he flips through the papers, pausing to read.

There's a knock on the door and Luca enters.

"Signore Martini is here, Capo." He informs.

Placing the papers down, Vincenzo gets up with a nod, buttoning his coat and moves away from the desk.

"Marco, the contract?"

"Si, Capo. I have it with me."

"Bene, bring it over in the meeting room."

"Si, Capo."

"Alfonso, the shipment arrives at 2, I'll meet you at the docks as soon as the meeting is over."

Marco and Alfonso are dismissed and Vincenzo and Luca walk down to the room where the investor waits.

They're walking down the hall when Luca's phone rings.

"Maria texted, Capo. Signora met an old friend at the bazaar." Luca tells as they reach the door.

Vincenzo looks at him.

"Any further details?"

"No, Capo." Luca reassures as he looks at his screen, rereading the text again.

Vincenzo nods looking to the side, shrugging off a miscellaneous thought.

They're gone to the main island for shopping which is flooded by tourists in almost every season, Pagluizza the only piece of Malta being the exception.

The door swings open and their business resumes.

"Nipote." Gianna greets him with a smile.

"Nonna." He greets back as he enters and the maid promptly leaves.

He walks over to the bed where she sits, and looks at the bottles on her side table.

His frown deepens as he reads the contents of the bottle.

"Why wasn't I informed?"

"Cenzino." She starts calmly with a smile.

"Come here." She lightly pats on the bed.

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