Move On

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Jean's POV 

Her words were pure and bitter lies, it was obvious but it tore me that she left. I am pathetic, I couldn't do anything but cry out for her to stay. When she didn't even look back once, I panicked and started to hyperventilate. Before I could even get a hold of myself, she disappeared into the vast body of water. I fell on my knees and cried for I don't know how long, I fainted. I woke up a while ago and headed back home. My head was dizzy and it was hard to focus on the driving with all these voices in my head. Screw these stupid greedy wicked creatures, who only focused on getting fame and money. They were going to capture Li as well. Hah, is for the better that she's gone. At least she has her family there, here she would get pain if she got in their filthy hands. Days passed, then weeks, and now, months too. All filled with agony and devastation. I wanted to do nothing but die. I would have been dead by now if it weren't for Li who always appeared in front of me and scolded me about it. I imagine us a lot, having a life with her and not having her life at risk. I wanted to do so many things for her. Today, I went to the office. Yeah, I didn't go there for a bit but I can't just quit it and let the monsters there do something worse. On the way, I remembered how me and Li got married. I didn't realize I was crying until I looked in the front mirror of the car to set my hair before getting out, just then I saw the bracelet on my wrist and kissed it. For some reason, I had a strange thought that I should go back and give it to her since people there might say mean things to her for still being stuck with me even if we weren't together anymore. I can't blame them, for not liking us humans, for everything they had to bear when they lost Mei. Mei, yeah I think that's the name Li once mentioned to me. After my research work at the lab, I quickly left and went to the place where I first met Li, that island. It's really hard to compose myself right now, all I want to do is, hug her, and take her back home with me. I miss her so much. I reached there and saw how everyone was busy doing their chores. Li was nowhere in sight...I don't know, I feel like she isn't okay at all. I took a deep breath in and then exhaled trying to stay calm. As I walked further towards them, everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and had their eyes on me as soon as this annoying guard came up to me saying, ''ENEMY IS HERE! LET THE CHIEF COME, CALL HIM! ENEMY!'' He had the spear against me and I stepped back from it a bit. Some went, probably to call whoever the stupid Chief was.

''I am here to talk to Li,'' I said. 

''She does not wish to see you.'' Said some guy as the others saluted him, so he is the Chief then, I see.

''I don't believe you-!'' 

''What do you want Jean?'' Li said while walking up to me. She was a mess, she didn't look lively as well. I could feel her heart was beating fast. 

''You, won't you come back now?'' I said while pushing away the spear in front of me and walking to her. She motioned the guard to stay back while others just looked. 

''I told you, Jean, I won't ever come back. I don't love you.'' With every word she said I felt more shattered, she spoke while looking somewhere else. I looked up to try and avoid any tears.

''Heh..alright. By the way, that day, you forgot to take this with you. I thought maybe you would need it considering it has a specialty in it.'' I didn't want to say it and I wanted to tell her to quit being scared but I felt as if it was better for her safety to stay silent because who knows, maybe these people would torture her for the things she never did. Her eyes widened a bit when I was taking off that bracelet, she looked down and then away. Just admit it already Li. 

''Yeah, mm. Give it.'' She said while looking at my wrist. ..I took it off and handed it to her. I'm sure you'll come. I'll just pray and wait. Our hands touched each other and I didn't let go or move, and neither did she but we had to sadly when the stupid man coughed signaling her to back away. 

''You can go now, Jean. Don't you ever dare to come back here.'' She said silently while looking down.

''Kill him. How dare he come here to create this drama-!'' The Chief said while looking at that Kai guy. 

''No Abrion! He did not harm anyone. Jean, go back right now. GO!'' Li snapped at that Chief and I did as she asked. Just be okay, please. My head was throbbing with pain and it all felt so numb. After some hours, I got home and passed out right away. I was too drained. I don't know every time something bad happens to me and her. I woke up to the sound of the alarm going off and got ready for the day ignoring the piercing pain I had. I went to the office and planned that I have to focus on Mei and get her free. I can do this, at least as a gift for Li since she saved my life and gave me some good memories and motivation to be good. During all this Olivia would try to hit on me and flirt. It has been like this for months now. 

''Hey, Jean~'' She said as she clung to my shoulder. I pulled it away and continued to do my work. She tries different stuff to have my attention and seduce me but it won't ever work.

''Come on, I'm much prettier and smart. Why don't you give me a chance?'' She said trying to sound hurt but her facial expressions didn't really match well. 

''Stop bothering me, I am busy.'' With that, I left while she whined and went to the Professor. I went to the lab. I gave some medication to Mei and injected her with some energy fluid. It was hard to keep her at ease but with time she started to trust me with whatever I was doing. It's been about four months now. 

''You're getting better, you will be able to get out of here soon.'' 

''Heh, thanks...I hope so too'' Mei said while I gave her medicine. I tried to do as much as I could to heal her and every night I'd sneak in the lab to change results and make them look like they were being successful so they wouldn't suspect me or something. Everything was going according to the plan. 

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