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Li's POV

I have mostly been sick since that day, if his life wasn't in danger I wouldn't care to stay here with people who took away my love from me. It's been four months now, I always think to convince them to ask Jean for help, he will help them get Mei and...I will get Jean back..I got up and walked to the Chief who was sitting with everyone else from the clan under the shade. 

''This is the last time I will say this and after that, if you people decide to do as I request, it will be a pleasure but if no, then I will take the matter into my own hands none, I mean it, none of you will dare to stop me!'' Many gasped while some nodded. 

''Li, don't forget your manners.'' Someone said.

''I don't care!'' I snapped at her.

''What do you want to say?'' Chief asked.

''Jean. You should trust him, ask him to help. I know he won't deny it! You didn't let me be with him! At least make some wise decision now and resue Mei!'' I cried out. 

''No-'' Before he could say anything else anymore, I cut him short.

''Stop it! Not all humans are bad! Even if they are bad, he is NOT bad! He told me he would help and he was trying to help! I will go alone then!''

''...We will come with you.'' The chief said as he gave me a side hug and others nodded.

''Tsk'' I moved away a bit and then the Chief was guiding them to do tasks etc.

Timeskip one day later.

It's around 5 in the morning right now, me, Chief and Kai, are leaving to go meet Jean. I am just happy I will be able to see him. We reached at his- I mean our house and waited for him to come. It's Sunday which means he doesn't have any office work. I wonder where he is and how is he. 

''Let's go eat something until he comes.'' The chief said. Me and Kai nodded and I guided him toward the cafe. After we were almost done eating, I saw Jean walk out of the cafe. 

''Let's go! He's going home now. We can talk to him.'' I said impatiently. 

''We barely ateee'' Kai whined.

''I saw him, hurry up now.''

''Alright, let's go there.'' The chief said and we quickly went there. After about half an hour we were at the door and rang the bell. 

''Who's-?'' Jean said as he opened the door. He just looked at me and so did I. Oh, how much I've missed you, my love...

''Come in.'' He said while giving us the way to enter. I, on purpose, didn't go in first and waited for the Chief and Kai to go in first. Once they stepped in, I quickly pecked Jean and walked in. 

''...'' ''...'' He closed the door and led us to the living room. We three sat there while he went away. 

''Unexpected welcome.'' The Chief said. I grinned at that, obviously, my lovely Jean is so great anyway.

''It wasn't unexpected, told you, he's awesome.'' I looked down after saying that, I was honestly nervous that maybe he would just slam the door shut in my face after seeing me after how much I embarrassed him but I also knew it was unlike him to do so, to me at least heh..A little while later he came with some snacks and tea etc for us, well looked like a perfectly prepared breakfast plate. I'm definitely hungry to eat what he cooked. 

''Enjoy.'' He said as he took a seat in front of us. I sat on a single-seat sofa while Chief and Kai sat on the double one. They nodded at him while already digging in. I didn't look at Jean, I was too guilty and sad. 

''We are here to ask you something.'' The Chief said. Kai nodded while I just played with my fingers. 

''Shoot. What is it?'' Jean said. 

''Li said you'd help us with a personal matter so we need you to act on it and let us take Mei back.''

''Interesting,'' Jean said, I could feel him looking at me. ''What do I get in return?'' I looked at him when he asked that, we both looked at the Chief at the same time. 

''I'll think about it. Don't think you'll be able to gain our trust ever.'' Jean smirked as the Chief said that.

''I don't care about such matters but I bet you do trust, that's why you're here, Chief.'' Heh the usual Jean, I missed this. Jean got up and confessed ''Alright, I'm down for that.'' I smiled internally, I hope this gets over soon so I can be back with you...

''That's a pleasure.'' The Chief said as he shook hands with Jean. Jean looked at me and said, ''It'll be cold so eat it.'' I simply nodded. I felt a strong striking pain in my heart, it all felt like before when we were together, he'd scold me when I wouldn't eat well or when I would skip a meal. I ate it and it was amazing, just like him. 

After we were done eating, Jean discussed how at night they'd go there and get Mei out, because at that time there would be fewer risks of others being there and no one would be in the security room as well so we would just mess up the systems. Yada yada, things were decided. I yawned as I was tired now. 

''Feel yourself at home, you guys can stay until it's over. The guest room is at the end of the hallway on the left side. And Li, you can stay in the room, on the right.'' He said. I was so happy, the room he told me to go to was where we used to stay. 

''Li won't stay away from us-!'' Chief said, I frowned at that. I will be uncomfortable with Kai around. Most importantly, Jean will be mad. 

''I'm the owner here and I'm sure Li wouldn't be comfortable with y'all being there as well.'' Yayy now I won't have to be there with them. 

'' long as she's safe. You don't get your hopes too high.''

''You too then.''


''That's what I thought,'' Jean said while smirking. Finally, they went to rest and fell asleep shortly because turns out Jean put sleeping pills in their tea. We went to our room and he hugged me.

''It feels like it's been years''

''I'm sorry..'' I said as I nuzzled my face in his chest.

''It's fine, at least I got to see you. Rest now, tomorrow is a big day.'' He locked the door and put me to bed, kissing my forehead and patting my head so I slept. He didn't try doing something heh..probably because he thinks I don't like it anymore. I do Jean, I really do. I love it all with you.. I fell asleep a little later after Jean started working on his laptop for something. I was in deep sleep, yes, but I'm sure it wasn't just some dream when I felt a pair of warm lips on mine followed by a soft kiss. I clung to him while I slept.  

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