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With their course now set to Savareen, Cere quickly returns to interrogating PT-152 about her past and her intentions. Merrin watches as Cal tries to turn the conversation back to the leads but Cere will not be dissuaded and it bothers her. Everyone aboard The Mantis has a difficult past. Cere, as much as any of them, should know how painful it is to talk about but her suspicion was getting the better of her. The hostility is palpable and Merrin can see how difficult it was for PT-152 to answer. Finally, she could tolerate it anymore and decided to speak up.

"That armor looks uncomfortable," she says to PT-152. The change in subject was like whiplash to the others but it achieved the desired effect; an end to the relentless questioning.

"What?" PT-152 asks a bit confused then answers, "Oh, I'm used to it.".

"Would you like to get out of it?" Merrin asks.

PT-152 pauses for a moment then asks slyly, "Are you flirting with me?" Cal could not help but laugh because the response felt so out of place in the tense room. So far, this woman has been cold and rigid, nearly robotic. This first glimpse of an actual person beneath the armor gave him hope.

"Not at the moment," Merrin plays back suggestively. "Come, I will show you where you can change." she says and leads the way to an open doorway on the right side of the galley that leads to the back of the ship. They step through and take a sharp turn left. Merrin points at a door directly ahead of them. "That is the refresher and beside it is my room that I share with Cere." From outside this door PT-152 can see straight through to the engine at the back of the next compartment. "This is the Captain's quarters," Merrin continues, gesturing to a large room directly across from her's, "Cal sleeps in the back."

"Small ship."

"Yes, it is not designed for a large crew but we will find a place for you." Merrin turns away from Greez's quarters and presses a button to open the door to her cabin. PT-152 peers in to see a small but comfortable cabin with two bunk beds recessed into the far wall.

Merrin gestures into the room, "Take your time. Join us when you are ready."

PT-152 stands there in the cabin, alone for the first time since defecting and in the quiet unexpected waves of emotions suddenly pass over her. First, the feeling of joy and freedom of being out from under the control of the Empire; then the satisfaction that she had actually succeeded in her goal and found a Jedi; but it is all quickly replaced by fear as the realization that she had actually defected sank in. It had all happened so fast yet it feels like ages have passed since she saw Cal step out onto that walkway. She had worked so long and so hard to finally be here but now there is no turning back; she has no idea where the path ahead will lead.

Just as the emotions are about to overwhelm her, she pauses and takes a deep breath then releases it slowly. Her thoughts relax and she stands unmoved in the quiet cabin for a moment, listening to the soft hum of the engine. Then she begins to remove her armor and as she sets each piece deliberately on the bed, she considers all those emotions and what they mean.

She places the helmet on the bed. Yes, she has defected. No matter how surreal it may feel there is no turning back. Her only choice now is to move forward.

Next, she removes the red pauldron from her shoulder and kama from her waist, the fabric adornments that indicate her station as a Purge Trooper Commander. She places them on the bed next to the helmet with a slight feeling of dread. Eventually she will have to face repercussions of the actions she took, the choices she made that allowed her to attain this rank. How many others paid the price for her achievements? How many enemies did she make along the way?

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