A Plan Beyond the Calendar Walls

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Good friends are like stars you don't always see them but you know they're there.

During my time in England Mama and I have settled in quite well into the comfort of Calendar Hall all thanks to wonderful Mrs Calendar who was an angel sent down from the heavens as Ma likes to say.In a way although Mama's right Rosamund Calendar did come with her halo and angelic wings to rescue us from our small ,impoverished grass house back in India I like to think we helped Mrs C and Mama out as well. I think that they've gained some of her youth back , the kind of young which is more than disappearing wrinkles and dark circles but I think there's a golden glimmer in those hazel eyes and Mamas caramel skin glows even in most dull of English weather. Mrs Calender and Ma have gained that friendship and freedom they were both secretly longing for .Two kin spirits . And some say its easier to find your soul mate than kin spirit which is where a certain Authur Brown comes to play ...


"You know Agnus , its quite alright to call me Emily when my parents aren't around " Says Emily

"Just doesn't feel right miss "replies Agnus shrugging her shoulders

Both the servants and the children (apart from the younger children and their nursery maid ) had optimised the free afternoon when the Calendars had decided to take Kathani Sharma to the new opening of the Victoria and Albert museum in hopes to see if they could find any Indian artefacts and even meet the Empress of India herself.

Jasmine had come up with a plan . A plan which had always been stored in the crevices of her mind and been growing ever since .And it involved her fellow accomplices known as the Calender children and the servants or as Jazz preferred her best friends.

"So what have you stuffed in that pillow case then " asked Edwin prodding at the rustling pillow case placed on the center of the kitchen table .

With out a word Jazz's hands trembling ever so slightly picked it up and tipped out the contents. Endless amounts if newspaper clippings and magazine cut outs fluttered onto the wooden table . What did all this paper have in common? A familiar or rather a newly familiar name. Authur Brown The handsome Brown ,Sir Authur Brown , Captain Arthur Brown...the same name accompanied with the picture of a handsome man wearing military uniforms and tailor cut suits ,smoking cigars and reading books .

"Sir Authur Brown : Top 10 eligible bachelors . " chuckled Agnus inspecting yet another picture of a smiling Authur Brown .

Jazz didn't know whether to be sick of his name or have an increasing itch to meet her so - called father.

"Haha we're practically family " laughed Jack ruffling Jasmine's hair .

"What ?"

"Your old man's part Irish gypsy ,like me, explains why he hasn't got a fixed address"

"Which is also why I can't track him anywhere " exclaims an annoyed Jazz tossing a bunch of paper into the air.

"Yes but he's an esteemed military man" breathes out Emily like a light bulb clicked in his head .

"We know that but he doesn't live in the barracks anymore "retaliated Edwin

"Ahh but he does spend quite a bit of time in the recruitment offices and who do we know gets recruited as soldiers ? " Emily asks with a gleam in her eyes "

They all stared at her blankly.

"Wait! The foundling children. The girls go into service and the boys -"

"Join the military " The group says in unison.

"I think we ought to pay a visit to the foundling hospital " announces Jasmine

Thanks for reading .Please excuse any grammar mistakes. Don't forget to vote , save and comment- no harsh ones please .Ideas always appreciated .Gu we're going to see the foundlings in the next chapter :)

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