Chapter 1

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Agent 8's PoV;

I was meeting up with agent 4 and the Squids Sisters, or more like they were dragging me along to a mall. I was never a fan of crowded places but I came along since they're my friends.
"8!! we have to go to a clothes store! I'll pick out some tshirts for you" Callie said enthusiastically, as we entered the mall. I wasnt really thrilled by the idea, but I would feel bad to reject the offer. "Um sure I guess" I replied. "Are you guys coming along?" I turned to Marie amd agent 4" 4 noded and Marie said "Yes I'll be your mental support when Callie picks out way too many clothes again, like always" Marie grinned. "Hey I don't do that!" Callie replied pouting a bit, before walking to the clothes store in a fast paced and motivated way. I hope I won't regret the choice I made here..

Arround 30 minutes later we had finally finished. Callie had not only picked out clothes for us but also many for herself, I felt kind of exhausted. "Hey guys I'll go grab a coffe" I said. "You guys can go ahead and look arround more" I added, mainly because I wanted to be by myself and regain my energy real quick.
I walked to a store in the mall, where you can get coffe, etc and ordered a Mocha. One of the few coffes I liked. Usually they were way to bitter for me to like them. I sat down at one of the tables and took a sip, enjoying not having someone talking to me constantly. I mean I dont hate the others.. it can just get overwhelming sometimes.
As I sat there daydreaming and looking arround, someone suddenly grabbed my attention. It was Agent 3. What was he doing here?
I saw him outside the coffe shop. A girl standing besides him. I was able to hear their conversation from here. But it was very onesided. The girl was seeming to try to flirt with him. Not that that would concern me, right..? After all we weren't even that close..
He just looked at her, not seeming too be interested in what she was saying. He then looked arround and saw me. He looked at me for a few seconds before turning to the girl and replying.
"I'm sorry, but I'm already taken." He then pointed at me. "My girlfriend is waiting for me so have a nice day" He then walked towards me mouthing "Just play along okay"
He sat down at the same table I sat, I smiled at him not really sure how to react, I felt flustered but also slightly.. scared?
We both watched the girl walk away.
I looked at 3 "What were you thinking to use that as an excuse? We're not even a couple! Just tell her you're not intersted!" I said sharply without thinking about my words before I spoke them.
Agent 3 seemed to take my rather furious reaction calmly though.
"I'm sorry. It just seemed like the easiest way out of this." He replied.
There were a few moments of akward silence untill I found my voice again and asked. "What are you doing here anyway?"
"My phone charger broke and I had to get a new one. They have a phone store here. And you?" He asked in return.
"Agent 4 and the Squid sisters invited me here." I replied.
"Hm. Yeah that makes sence. You don't seem like a fan of crowded places." He analysed.
..Damn. Why was he able to read people so well I never even told him that.
"Mhm" I saidy trying to keep my reply short.
"What did you order?" He asked, probably trying to not have any akward silence here.. I didint wanted to reply, I didin't even wanted to look at him..whenever I was arround him I just felt so weird..
After looking blankly into space for a few seconds I replied "A mocha"
After I said that we heared some people talk behind us.
"Hey 8, so here's where you've been." 4, Callie and Marie walked into the coffe store.
Agent 4 saw agent 3 first and said "Oh and we found agent 3 aswell, hi didin't think to see you here."
"Hey." Agent 3 replied. "I was about to leave anyway." He added and got up from his seat.
"See you guys arround" He said in a slightly colder voice.
"See you" I replied quietly. Watching him walk away felt kinda relifing but also sad.. Damn it I had no Idea what to feel about him at this point..
I just forced myself to stop thinking about it now and turned to look at the others.

Splatoon male agent 3 x female agent 8Where stories live. Discover now