Chapter 2

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Agent 3's PoV;

It was a regular mission day. Nothing too crazy.
I went to Octo canyon and fastly finished my missions, without having any troubles doing so. Like always.
Just when I came back I saw someone aproaching. Based on their height I could tell it was Pearl.
"Yo 3" She gave me a punch against my shoulder. Which I learned to accept, since that was her way of greeting people even tho it was still kind of... weird to me to do that.
"What do you want?" I asked her since I knew she wouldnt come up to me with no reason.
Pearl grinned at me "Soo I heared you had a coffe date with 8 huh?"
As a reaction her her saying that I facepalmed myself.
"No it wasnt a date" I replied calmly "We just met there, she was at the mall with Callie and Marie anyway."
Pearl lost her grin "Hm well okay you guys still talked though so thats what I call a date"
I wanted to punch her at that moment but I decided to not do and just accepted her trying to annoy me.
"Yeah sure. As if you can tell whats a date. You dont even have any yourself." I looked at her making it clear that I was annoyed.
"Chill, no need to get all mean you know ?" She replied "Anyway I am here to meet agent 4 so see ya." With that she walked away.
Damn. I am glad she isint trying to annoy me anymore. Psh as if that was a date... it wasnt one right? Why am I even doubting my answers obviously that wasnt a date. I mean as if I was trying to date agent 8.
While I was lost in my thinking progress I was walking down the streets of Inkopolis. The sun had just set and across the sky was a beautiful sunset.
Thats what I thought but then suddenly as I looked at the sunset I had forgotten to focus about where I was walking and with a loud thud ran against a streetlight, my view slowly fading to black....

Splatoon male agent 3 x female agent 8Where stories live. Discover now