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"And this is Roller."

Roller coasted forward, scanning the new individual in front of his host. He was much bigger. Denser too. Doing more detailed scans showed that he had scar damage on almost every limb. Roller had never encountered someone like him. It made him pause, wary. Who was this mech?

His host's EM field brushed over Roller with familiar warm. It reminded him of the one time he got to take an oil bathe in mech form all those vorns ago. Safe and relaxed. The field assured him he was safe with this new strange mech. The host assured that he was a friend.

Roller paused at his host's assurances, pinging back a query. Friend was a new word. All he's ever known was Host and other mecha were typically just known as Not Host. In fact, it was rather strange Host was showing him (let alone introducing him) to another mech. Again, who was this strange mech?

Amusement (with a hint of sorrow/regret) entered his host's field. As he tried to fluctuate his field with emotion that befitted the definition of a friend, the strange mech spoke.

"Orion, what is going on? And what is-"

"Apologies, Megatronus. He's a little shy... er, isolated, really. Just give him a moment."

Host didn't seem to know what a friend was either, puzzling Roller even more. But then Roller realized that friend was probably a concept/word that was apart of the complex-vocal-language(s?). The only real word his processor knew was his designation: Roller. All the other words he interrupted through Host when connected together. He sometimes remembered concept/words from Host's memory banks after disconnecting, but that was a rarity.

Roller tried really hard to concentrate, trying to figure out what a friend meant through Host's failing description. It seemed like a friend was like a host, but... kept at a distance? Roller scanned the stranger again. Then his host. Host was about a length away from the stranger/friend. Roller decided he would stay two lengths away. He was a droid after all. Distance was safe. And it matched up with caste/etiquette.

Again, Host's field washed over him with amusement (hint of sorrow/regret) before it started to nudge him. He was alarmed as Host's field encouraged his own forward. Host wanted him to mingle with stranger/friend?

Showing his fear/hesitation/concern, Roller slowly allowed his EM field to unfurl from its tight hold. He much preferred using it instead of scans. Instead of just physicality, it allowed him to sense other mecha's personality. But he rarely (like, never never ever) did that. Only with Host. The other times he did it were by accident. And not really pleasant. Host usually discouraged it. Now... he wanted it?

This time was the first field he teeked willingly. And he was pleasantly surprised that after the confusion it responded with, it didn't immediately turn to revulsion Instead, it turned shock, darting away from his own. Was it scared? He was scary!!

The other EM field came back then, slightly amused. It stroked against his almost vehemently. The stranger/friend's attention turned toward Host.

"Orion... wha... who is this?"

Host's field turned toward his adoringly. "This is Roller, my symbiote droid."

Stranger/friend went vocally quiet, mingling his EM field with Roller's. "I didn't even know droids had EM fields. They're so rare, I wasn't aware you had one."

"They were almost hunted to extinction. Simply for sport. Like they were mechanimals. Not that I would condone any sport hunting. If you are to hunt, it should be to consume."

Stranger/friend's EM field became considerate. "But... aren't droids just machines?"

Roller coasted back a few wheel spins away from the stranger/friend. Host's field turned repulsed and... disappointed. Host never got angry. Roller only knew that emotion from teeking other mechs' fields.

Hurt: A Symbiote Droid TaleWhere stories live. Discover now