Chapter 8

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A/N: I just finished writing, didn't even look it over, but I'm posting the chapter. Sorry if the grammar and spelling is even more crappy than usual. I'm my document, it says I have 10 pages written, I hope you enjoy.

They saw him as a prankster. An annoyance. Out of all of the Elite Trine members, he was the most unconvincing of the role. He was a sparkling in an adult frame. All he did was drag his perfect, exceptional trinemates down.

Those who thought this have forgotten. They forgot who Skywarp truly was.

He was a Protectorate. It was deep coded into him to defend. Be it a mech, group of mecha, or a specific frame type. His brethren have all taken on these roles before. They were like the avenging angels of Primus, he recalled long ago a spectator said.

Skywarp was different from his fellow Protectorates. His coding didn't latch onto a specific mech or frame type. No, he looked upon the great city of Vos, a sanctuary for flight frames, and his coding came to life.

Before it activated, Skywarp was seen as glitched. A Protectorate without any ward? Ridiculous. A waste of energon. He'd be lucky if the Invaders even wanted him.

But then Vos was built. Rebuilt, he should say. And he became one of the greatest Protectorates of all time. Or, he would have. His coding was sound and his frame was strong. He could have kept Vos safe from the Quintessons... if... he hadn't...


What mecha forgot about Skywarp was his origin. He wasn't from this time, but one long forgotten. Starscream and Thundercracker weren't his first trine, but he vowed they'd be his last. Trine culture had changed overtime. Seeker culture had changed with it. Everything down to their frames were different.

When Skywarp was forced to awaken from his slumber, it took him a while for him to integrate. Actually, he never really integrated. Seeker culture now had dark shadows. Skywarp didn't want anything to do with it. So he was outcasted. Once a beloved Protectorate had become a slum mech. Society shunned him.

That was when the pranking started. Skywarp couldn't fully turn against Vos, not with his deep rooted coding to protect it. And there were mecha within worthy of his protection. But not the top players, the aristocrats who laughed at others' misery. Pranking became his way to retaliate.

It was a habit he couldn't break when the war broke out. Even though the mecha around them were supposed to be allies, all Skywarp could see was targets.

It probably had something to do with his glitchy Protectorate coding. Vos was gone, destroyed by something Skywarp wasn't able to protect it by. The Fall of Vos changed Skywarp, more than waking up in a new society did. Because- although Vos did change- it was still there. He still had something to protect.

Now it was gone. His coding was ... glitchy. It latched desperately onto his trinemates, the only constant in his world. This quick fix made him more...

Aggressive. At least in the field, that was when the jokesters and taunters seemed to shut their oral cavities. He was something to be feared in the field. He was unpredictable, never staying on an organized route. His outlier ability helped him with that. Warping around, anyone could be his next victim. Even an ally.

The Decepticon cause was rusted. Skywarp used to be loyal to it, if only to spite the Senate and their bombs. He had watched gleefully when their towers fell. He had the recording of it somewhere.

But then comrades started to turn on one another. Megatron had made a hierarchy. A steep ladder that foot soldiers wanted to climb. Mecha would easily betray each other if it meant they got a better standing. There was loyalty to the Decepticon cause and its Lord, but not each other.

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