Chapter 6

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* WARNING: in the following chapter, Soundwave's cassettes: Frenzy and Rumble are shown. Keep in mind that these two are unreliable narrators and should not be taken seriously. They are very opinionated even when they have none of the facts.

Roller stared. He watched as Amica left through the door to go do... whatever he did. Run an army, he assumed. Although he does not remember much of the war, he knew it existed. And Amica was trying to put a stop to it.

That was nice. Roller hoped he would do it soon. Then they could worry about finding Host... he thought so, anyway. He missed Host.

Don't get him wrong, Amica was great. Well... besides the subspace trip. He doubted he could unlive that. It was probably now in his deep drive so he'd remember it when he recycled again. He hoped the Pink Light was in the memories too.

He was currently munching on the last Pink Light stick. Roller hoped Amica had more, it was really yummy.

As he chomped, Roller stared at the door locking him out from the outside. Although Amica's quarters in Dark Mouth were more spacious than the other place, Roller was still very bored.

There was nothing to do!

Amica had some datapads... that Roller couldn't read. Scrolling through pages of unidentifiable glyphs was only fun for so long. There was a monitor, but Amica usually forgot Roller was short. The controller was left on the counter where Roller couldn't reach most of the time.

Exventing, Roller got off the couch. He shoved the last bite of the Pink Light stick in his mouth and went over to the door. No offense to Amica, but Roller felt like he was in a cage most of the time. A pet that existed only for his master's pleasure. Roller scowled at the analogy, he looked up at the door again, slightly simmering.

Except, once he got close enough, the door slid open!

Roller jumped back, not expecting it to open for his spark signature. The door slid back shut when he started. Quickly, Roller scrambled forward again. Once more, it opened!

Amica must have forgotten to lock it. Roller thought as he peeked out into the hall. His armor instinctively clamped closer to his protoform. It was much colder in the gloomy purple halls. Yet the thrill of adventure thrummed in Roller's spark.

Freedoooom! He thought gleefully as he sped- well, kinda hobbled- down the hall.

His frame was slowly getting used to being broken. Roller no longer ached as much, or maybe he was getting used to it. He winced at the little creaks his limbs made, but kept moving forward. This was probably his only chance to explore. Amica worried too much, and Roller's safe unit would surely remember to lock the door from now on.

One cycle of exploration, Roller could live with that.

The halls were definitely colder than the habsuite. Shadows stood out more, and Roller felt like they were jumping out to grab him. He wasn't going to think about it too much. Even if he thought there was a monster waiting in the dark.

Weirdly, no other mecha were roaming the halls. Roller saw a single patrol, but he was able to easily evade them.

As he trotted down the doom and gloom halls, Roller felt an itch in his struts. He vaguely remembered his alt mode. Not the one that granted him to attach to Host's frame, but his actual alt mode. It had wheels, allowing him to zoom around.

Stopping in the hallway, Roller looked over his shoulder pauldron. He could see the wheels peeking out between his plating. Feather had given him new ones, Roller remembered. Although Feather also warned Roller of using his alt mode.

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