Chapter 5

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Megatron walked down the corridors of Darkmount at a leisurely pace. The warlord didn't seem to have a care in the world. He was confident and prideful. No one would dare attack him in his own stronghold (be it friend or foe). Why would he need to be running around in a panic? It wouldn't fit into his character.

    So this is why Megatron strolled down the halls. Even if he really wanted to run like a titan predacon was after him.

    Although he would never run from an attacker, Megatron was subconscious of a weight in his subspace. Right then a little droid was taking up existence. Probably crawling, sitting, waiting, dying in there.

    In hindsight, Megatron really didn't think this plan through. He had no idea what subspaces could do to mecha, let alone a hindered symbiote whose spark could gutter at any minute.

    Megatron found his pace picking up but forcing himself back down when a passing patrol gave him a confused look. He ignored him, like all subordinates inside the halls. It didn't matter if they bowed or not. If they weren't inside a meeting or throne room, then Megatron couldn't care less.

    Unless they dared to defy their lord, of course.

    "Ah, the honorable Lord Megatron graces us with his presence at last!"

    Or menaces him. Megatron thought with a growl.

    Spinning around, Megatron comes face to face with a very smug Starscream. He is instantly wary, wondering if the fool had another scheme to snuff his spark again.

At first, the coops had been alarming, throwing Megatron into an angry haze. How dare Starscream, his trusted second in command, dare to kill his savior. Megatron hadn't forgotten how he basically pulled Starscream and the Seekers from the ashes of Vos. And this is how he was repaid?!

    But, as the plots continued with little success, Megatron started to find them humorous. The detail and length Starscream would go to, all to end up failing in the end.

    Except now? Megatron was tired. He remembered a time when the Alpha-slayer of Vos and a gladiator-turned-revolutionist were friends. They had banded together to defy the Council. Megatron had trusted Starscream to have his back and make tough calls, someone to lean the burden of leading on.

    Where had his comrade gone?

    Megatron sighed as he dully looked at Starscream. "Can I help you, Starscream?" He asked, maybe a little too forcefully. But the flamboyant Seeker didn't even flinch. "If you can't tell, I'm a little busy right now-"

    "Doing what?" Starscream asked, looking up from where he had been playing with his claws. Megatron wanted to crush them. All Starscream seemed to do was preen, sharpen, and clean the things. Barely even put them to use most of the time.

    Flicking his shiny blue talons, Starscream sauntered closer. "You just got back from your vacation."

    Vacation! Megatron felt his optics widen, a fist clenching at his side. Flashes of a downed droid went through his processor. He'd make the Seeker pay!

    "...then after cycles of roughing it at a small, beach side base, you come back only to dismiss your soldiers." Starscream was saying, an accusing glint came in his optics. "I don't know if you noticed, my Lord, but there is a war going on."

    "I'll have you know, Starscream, if one of us was going to forget about the war, it would be you." Megatron sneered back.

    "Me!" Starscream spat, wings flaring up in defense. Crimson optics narrowed. "I am the only reason the Decepticons haven't fallen victim to the Autobots yet. I found the energon deposits with my Seekers. I make battle strategies to ensure we don't lose ground to the Autobots. I make sure we get medical supplies so our soldiers aren't dying on the fronts. I. Do. Everything! This faction would be dead without-"

Hurt: A Symbiote Droid TaleWhere stories live. Discover now