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Have you ever loved someone?

Even though I know that she only takes care of you to complete her work, and that she doesn't like you and won't be with you, I still can't help but indulge in her tenderness.

Watching her choose someone else, she wanted to cut off contact again and again, but she broke the contact again and again.

She is like a fishing hook, and you are the fish she hooks. Whether you break free or obey, it will hurt.

It's a pity that Shi Le didn't understand at that time.

She thought she fell in love with a pool of gentle spring water, but she didn't expect that it would be a fishhook that left her covered with bruises.

When I first met Lin Yi, Shi Le was eleven years old and Lin Yi was twenty-one.

At that time, Shi Le was an introverted and insecure junior high school student. He was wearing a loose school uniform and a long ponytail. He was young and beautiful, but he had no smile on his face.

It was a parent-teacher meeting that day. Originally, her mother had promised to come to the parent-teacher meeting, but unexpectedly, she finally asked her assistant to come over because she was busy.

Shi Le was very unhappy and didn't want to talk to the people who came to hold a parent-teacher conference for her. She called several times but she didn't answer.

But unexpectedly, when he saw Lin Yi, who had a gentle and beautiful smile, he was immediately attracted to her.

She was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, high heels, and carrying a bag in her hand. She rushed to the door of the classroom in a hurry.

The teacher happened to call Shi Le's name, and she rushed in and shouted "Arrive" in full view of everyone.

Everyone turned their attention to her, a little surprised and a little confused. Seeing that she was so young, she couldn't be Shi Le's mother.

Lin Yi took the initiative to explain: "I am her sister. Her mother has something to do today. I will hold the parent-teacher meeting on her behalf." The teacher

asked her to sit down in Shi Le's seat. Outside the door, Shi Le's eyes fell on her and looked at her. With long hair shawl, and a gentle smile on his face, he listened carefully to what the teacher said about the students, and even took out his notebook to take notes.

After the parent-teacher meeting was over, Lin Yi called Shi Le again. If it weren't for her good looks, Shi Le wouldn't bother to talk to her.

Shi Le stood in the corridor opposite, watching Lin Yi pack his bag, carry it on his back, and walk out the door.

She answered the phone and heard Lin Yi ask her: "Are you hungry? Let's go out to eat. I know there is a Chinese restaurant outside. It's delicious." If he hadn't seen her expression with his own eyes, Shi Le would definitely have thought that this person was real or fake

. .

She didn't answer her call, but she wasn't angry at all. She was still coaxing her like this, and she couldn't tell what the expression on her face was now.

What's the expression on Lin Yi's face?

She was smiling, with a gentle look on her face.

She didn't really seem angry at all for not answering the phone.

Considering how hurried she was when she arrived, it would be difficult to find her classroom.

Before hanging up the phone, Shi Le said, "Wait for me at the school gate."

Then he went back to the classroom to play with his phone.

During this period, there was not a single urging call. Shi Le couldn't help but dial Lin Yi's number: "Are you still at the school gate?" "Are you out? I just had a scratch on my foot. I went to buy a band-aid and I'll be there soon.

" We are about to reach the school gate, please wait for me."

Lin Yi's voice was a little anxious, as if he was running.

Shi Le suddenly felt that she had gone too far. She hung up the phone and immediately got up and went downstairs. She wanted to run to the door, but she felt it was unnecessary and she was in a hurry to leave. It was really annoying.

When they arrived at the school gate, Lin Yi was squatting on the ground and putting on a band-aid. When he got up, he saw Shi Le. She adjusted her pants gently, and a natural smile appeared on her face: "Have you thought about something to eat?" She was obviously not familiar with her

. , and pretended to be familiar with it, Shi Le didn't like it, and said with a pretty face: "Didn't you say there is a delicious Chinese restaurant? Let's go to that one." Lin Yi did his homework before coming

. , learned about the delicious food around, and took her to a very popular Chinese restaurant. It was the peak period for eating, and there were many people in the restaurant. At a glance, there were no seats left.

Shi Le was a little disappointed: "There are no seats, let's go."

"Don't worry, I have already reserved a seat."

The waiter took them upstairs. After sitting down, Shi Le looked at her coldly: "How did you know I would Come with you and make a reservation in advance?"

Lin Yi handed her the menu, with a gentle smile on his face: "I didn't know you would come with me, I just thought that if you wanted to come, there would be no seats. , it's inevitably inappropriate. Take a look at what you want to eat."

Shi Le did not pick up the menu, but let her put it on the table, his eyes falling on her hands.

Her fingers are slender, white, round, and beautiful.

After looking at it for a few seconds, Shi Le looked away and started to order.

The two ordered three dishes and one soup. During the meal, Lin Yi took the initiative to pick up the dishes for her: "Your mother will be busy recently. If you have anything, you can call me and I will try my best to come over." Shi Le did not respond and was just quiet

. of eating.

After a while, Lin Yi suddenly looked at her: "Wait

a minute, don't move." Shi Le frowned and didn't dare to move. Then she saw Lin Yi's beautiful hand stretched out, and then rubbed his thumb on her lips. After a moment: "Okay."

So she was so serious just now because she was giving her something to wipe the corner of her mouth?

She thought it was something, her heartbeat was beating faster just now.

"You don't have to do this next time, I will wipe it myself."

Shi Le ate the rest of the meal, stood up, carried her schoolbag, and looked at her condescendingly: "Thank you, remember to ask my mother for reimbursement."

After the parent-teacher meeting, Shi Le didn't want to contact Lin Yi again, but she sprained her ankle during physical education class that day and called her mother. Her mother was in a meeting again. Lin Yi answered the call and she came after a while.

This time Shi Le was really angry.

She was lying on the bed in the school hospital and yelled at Lin Yi: "What are you doing here? Who told you to come?"

Most people would explain why her mother didn't come, and then leave with the same concern as usual. But Lin Yi took out a cup of milk tea from his pocket

and handed it to her with a smile: "70% sugar, less ice, I don't know if it suits your taste." Shi Le looked at her blankly, full of anger.

Being put out, for the sake of face, she turned away: "I don't want it."

Lin Yi sat down next to her and put the purchased fruit on the table next to her: "How about peaches? Or do you want to eat grapes? Where are the bananas? Do you want to eat them?"

It seemed that Shi Le's expression did not affect her mood.

Shi Le was a little embarrassed.

She didn't want to eat those. The weather was quite hot right now, so a cup of iced milk tea was just right, and it was her favorite 70% candy.

Many people think 70% sugar is too sweet, but she likes sweet ones.

She reached out and took the milk tea and took a sip: "Okay, you don't have anything to do here. You can go back and tell my mother that if I die one day, I will ask others to collect my body. She will be busy." Let her do her job."

"Aren't you making things difficult for me?"

Lin Yi lowered his head to peel the peach, raised the corners of his mouth, and said in a friendly and gentle tone: "Which subordinate dares to talk to the leader like this?"

Shi Le felt uncomfortable when she thought that her mother was busy at work and never paid attention to her affairs. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became and her eyes became red: "Such a leader doesn't even care about his own daughter. You follow her?" You can't get anything good, so just resign and leave."

Lin Yi took a bite of the peach and looked at her with bright big eyes: "It's quite sweet."

Then he handed half of it to her: "Eat something sweet, don't go Think about those unhappy things."

At that time, Shi Le only felt that the joys and sorrows between people were not the same. How could Lin Yi know her mood?

But he still took the peach from her hand and ate it one bite at a time. It was really sweet. With someone accompanying him, his mood didn't seem so bad.

Her foot was injured and it was inconvenient to go to and from school. Her mother didn't want to be stuck in the morning and evening rush hour every day, so she arranged for Lin Yi to take her to and from school.

After going back and forth, the two gradually became familiar with each other.

Shi Le's attitude towards Lin Yi was not so cold. He shared with her all the interesting, beautiful and strange things.

As a junior high school student, her mother would never pay attention to her over trivial matters, but Lin Yi would reply to her every time.

Even if I am busy sometimes, I will tell her clearly when I have time to reply to her messages.

This feeling of response to the messages sent out made Shi Le feel at ease.

During the summer vacation when she was admitted to a key high school, Lin Yi went out with her.

Take her to the amusement park to ride the roller coaster, merry-go-round, and Ferris wheel, and make a wish together under the wishing tree.

Shi Le said, "I want to get into a good university."

Lin Yixiao thought of going to university when she was just in high school. She was really an excellent student.

Shi Le snorted and raised her eyebrows: "Then what wish did you make?"

Lin Yi looked at the wishing tree: "I hope we can always be happy like this."

Then she threw the red rope up the tree.

Shi Le looked at the tree full of wishes and thought of what she said about us. He turned his head and looked at Lin Yi's gentle and beautiful face. For the first time, he felt that the word "we" was so beautiful.

Later, Lin Yi took her to the mall to buy beautiful skirts and shoes to dress her up beautifully.

Lin Yi never hesitated to praise her. When Shi Le heard her saying she was beautiful, his heart felt sweeter than honey. He seemed to be very happy just being with her.

This happy time lasted throughout the summer vacation.

Until Shile started school, she was living on campus and could not come out often. The two could only communicate by phone and send messages.

Apart from attending classes every day, the most energetic thing for Shi Le is to video chat with Lin Yi. Sometimes she is in a meeting, sometimes on a business trip, and sometimes eating with clients.

But no matter what time, Lin Yi would answer her video in time. Even if she answered the call and explained what she was doing and then hung up, she would not be perfunctory.

Gradually, Shi Le relied more and more on Lin Yi and sent Lin Yi messages every day when he had time.

You will be very happy when you receive a message from her.

But sometimes when Lin Yi didn't reply to messages in time, she would get very irritated and keep looking at her phone, wondering what Lin Yi was doing and why he didn't reply to her messages.

Adolescent boys and girls always have some emotional troubles, and people around them often talk about who likes who, who has confessed to whom, and who has a crush on whom.

As Shi Le listened, she discovered something. She seemed to have fallen in love with Lin Yi.

It's a strange feeling to have a crush on someone. At the same time, you want to get closer, but at the same time, you are a little shy and want to avoid it.

She finally had dinner with Lin Yi. When talking, she didn't dare to look into Lin Yi's eyes, and her eyes were evasive. She obviously wanted to look, but she didn't dare to look openly for fear that Lin Yi would find out what was on her mind. .

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

Sometimes she fantasizes that if Lin Yi also likes her and confesses to her, then they can fall in love.

What should falling in love look like?

Shi Le was looking forward to it.

I finally survived three years of high school and was admitted to my favorite university as I wished.

On the day of the eighteenth-year-old adult ceremony, it was still the two of them.

She had grown up and could drink, so she took advantage of the wine to be brave and confessed her love to Lin Yi that night.

The sudden sentence "I like you" made Lin Yi stunned. The light was dim and her expression was unclear. He just touched her head gently and said softly: "You are drunk." "I'm not drunk," Shi Le said

. Sitting opposite her, I finally had the courage to look at her, "I don't know when I started to like you. I feel happy when I see you, receive your messages, and receive your calls. Everything about

you It all makes me care.

It seems that all the joys, sorrows and joys are related to you. Sometimes I am happy because of your words, and sometimes I am sad and uncomfortable because of your words.

Lin Yi, I like you, I am not drunk."

First . This time, Lin Yi was silent for a long time.

Shi Le looked at her, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

She had thought that Lin Yi might not like her.

But Lin Yi has always given her the impression that he has a certain affection for her. Otherwise, she would not have confessed so impulsively.

Time is painfully slow.

She had expected 80% of the result, so Shi Le was not very sad, she just drank.

Lin Yi snatched the wine from her hand: "Stop drinking."

Shi Le looked at her, his eyes a little red: "Give me the result,"

"We...the age difference is too big, it's not suitable."

After falling out of love for the first time, Shi Le cried all night. She felt like her life had been hollowed out. She didn't want to do anything and everything was boring.

Throughout the summer vacation, she didn't go out. She stayed at home reading books, watching dramas, eating and sleeping.

Occasionally I want to find someone to play with and vent my emotions, but I find that I can't seem to find any good friends at all.

Her entire youth was occupied by Lin Yi, leaving no room for anyone, not even a good friend.

How miserable.

Shi Le couldn't help but send a message to Lin Yi, telling her that she hadn't been out for a long time and wanted to go out to eat.

Lin Yi said he would pick her up after get off work.

So the two of them acted as if they had never confessed, and continued to eat together, watch movies together, go shopping together, and do many things together as before.

They are not a couple, but they do many things that couples would do.

Shi Le seemed to be alive again, and the dry life began to have vitality, hope and smile.

College life came as expected, and Shi Le began to make friends, expand her circle, and focus on other things. But no matter what she did, she would always think of Lin Yi and couldn't help but share it with her.

But later, when Lin Yi established her own company, she became busier and busier, and the contact between the two gradually decreased.

Until that day, Shi Le heard that Lin Yi was coming back from a business trip abroad and made a special trip to pick her up at the airport, thinking that they would go to dinner together.

Unexpectedly, she saw an omega beside her. The omega was holding her hand intimately. The two were talking and laughing, looking very harmonious.

She followed the two of them and saw Lin Yi accompanying the omega to buy inhibitors, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

Generally, only lovers who have a close relationship will accompany each other to buy inhibitors. In the past, Lin Yi was so obedient to her, but he never accompanied her to buy inhibitors.

Shi Le's heart suddenly broke. It happened that Lin Yi saw her at this time. It was like meeting a friend. With a smile on his face, he introduced the omega next to her as her fiancée.

Shi Le couldn't help crying at that time.

Seeing her suddenly crying, her fiancée was a little surprised: "What's wrong with her? Does she feel uncomfortable from time to time?" Lin Yi frowned slightly and asked

her, "Are you uncomfortable somewhere?"

Shi Le cried and shook his head, only feeling The tears seemed to burst, and I couldn't stop them.

She thought Lin Yi would send her back, but she didn't expect that she just said: "If you don't feel any discomfort, just go back early. We have other things to do, so let's leave first." After losing love for the second time, Shi Le cried so hard that her heart was broken

. , learned to be strong.

The next day I went to and from school as usual and went to play with my friends.

But no matter how much fun she had, she would still think of Lin Yi and feel uncomfortable when she was alone.

In his junior year, Shi Le moved out and lived with an alpha. The two of them went in and out, following each other like lovers.

Neither Shi Le nor Shen Jia cared about other people's opinions and gazes, they just did what they should do.

Until one day, Lin Yi found Shi Le and said that it was not suitable for her to live with an alpha.

"What's inappropriate? They're both girls."

Shi Le looked at her and said deliberately: "You're an alpha too, don't we often play together? Don't I stay at your house sometimes?" "She and

I It's different." Lin Yi frowned slightly, "I won't have any evil thoughts towards you." "

Then I really want to thank you."

Shi Le never expected that the person he once liked so much would now listen to her every time he saw her. When she said these words, she felt angry inside.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs," Shi Le turned around, not wanting to look at her again, "Since you have a fiancée, don't contact her again." In the past, when Lin Yi made her angry, she would also say angry words

. , said not to contact me, never to contact me again.

But not long after, he couldn't help but contact Lin Yi. Lin Yi pretended that he had never heard her say such things, and the two of them remained the same.

The more she acted like this, the more Shi Le felt that she didn't care if she really left, because she would take the initiative to come back to her every time.

So this time, she made up her mind not to contact her.

I thought it would be over, but Lin Yi came over unexpectedly.

"Lele, don't be angry with me," Lin Yi gently held her arm and coaxed her as usual, "It's too dangerous to live with an alpha. If something happens, it will be too late to regret it."

"I always want to fall in love and get married. Shen Jia is a very nice person. Even if something happens to us, it is still between adults. When it's time to get married, get married. When the time comes, I will definitely remember to send you an invitation

. ."

Shi Le was so confused that she didn't want to listen to Lin Yi anymore. She shook off her hand and went upstairs. When she got home and closed the door, she let out a long breath.

Shen Jia stood by the window, holding a bowl of fruit and turned to look at her: "That is the alpha you have liked for ten years?"

A smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "She looks pretty good, that's all, she deserves you Have you loved her wholeheartedly for ten years?"

"I don't want to like her for that long either."

Shi Le walked over and snatched the fork from her hand, poked the fruit into her mouth, and looked outside, seeing Lin Yi still standing upstairs. Next, looking this way, she poked a mango and fed it to Shen Jia's mouth.

Shen Jia knew what she was thinking, so he immediately smiled, ate the mango with his mouth open, and then hugged Shi Le to block her.

From Lin Yi's perspective, they looked like they were kissing.

Lin Yi's eyes widened, feeling unspeakably sour in her heart. She couldn't help but call Shi Le, but Shi Le didn't answer.

She simply went upstairs and knocked on the door.

The plot succeeded. Shen Jia said with a smile, "It seems she still cares about you." "

Go and let her go."

Shen Jia went to open the door and saw Lin Yi standing at the door. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Who are you looking for? "

I'm looking for Shi Le." Lin Yi's face was gloomy, and he tried his best to endure it, so he didn't hit Shen Jia in the face with a fist.

Just as she was about to enter, Shen Jia stopped her: "Hey, what are you doing? Did I let you in? Just break in." "Lele, come out, I have something to say to you." "Lele has nothing to


. "I want to tell you," Shen Jia blocked the door and refused to let her in. "She said to let you go." "

Lele! Lele!"

Lin Yi shouted at the door for a while, but Shi Le still ignored her. It seemed that I am determined to live here.

Lin Yi had no choice but to respect her choice, turned around and went downstairs. As she walked on the road, she felt that her head was blank. She couldn't remember what she was going to do today or who she was going to see. She just felt like there was something important to ask for. If it disappears, you should catch it.

In the next few days, Lin Yi waited for her at the gate of Shile's community, but Shile did not take her car and ignored her.

Lin Yi followed her silently, watching her laughing and playing with other classmates. Shi Le could live a good life without her. She was very happy, but a little lost, as if Shi Le really didn't need her. .

Before the National Day, Shi Le went out to a party with his classmates and drank until they were unconscious. Lin Yi took them home.

Looking at the moaning girl lying on the bed, the time went back to ten years ago. At that time, she was just a junior high school student who had not yet grown up. She was tall and thin. Now she has become a beautiful woman.

This was not the first time that Lin Yi took care of a drunk Shi Le, taking off his clothes and wiping his face. These things he did very naturally before.

But now, she also started to avoid looking at Shi Le, not daring to look at him.

The drunk guy fell on her as if he had no bones. Lin Yi subconsciously hugged her, and the palm of his hand came into contact with her delicate and hot skin, which felt very good.

It's not like they haven't hugged each other before, but this is the first time for them to have direct contact like this.

After a brief moment of confusion, Lin Yi quickly woke up, put Shi Le down and covered him with a quilt.

Shi Le woke up the next day and found herself in a strange yet familiar room. It wasn't until she saw Lin Yi sleeping on the sofa nearby that she remembered that this was Lin Yi's room.

Why is she here?

My mind went blank, and I couldn't remember how I came back with Lin Yi, or how she took off her skirt?

Judging from the way Lin Yi was sleeping aside and keeping their relationship clear, nothing should have happened between them.

Lin Yi really didn't have any evil intentions for her.

Shi Le still couldn't face her calmly and wanted to leave quickly before she woke up.

Who knew that Lin Yi would wake up as soon as she got out of bed. She moved quickly and was at her side in a blink of an eye: "Are you feeling dizzy? You can sleep a little longer. I'll make you hangover soup and make breakfast by the way."

Shi Le didn't look at her: "No, I'm fine."

She said and stood up to leave, but Lin Yi grabbed her arm and pulled her back into his arms. At this moment, both of them were stunned.

Soon, Shi Le pushed her away, looked up at her and said coldly: "If you don't like me, don't do these things that make it easy for me to misunderstand." Lin Yi suddenly hugged her and said in a low and gentle voice:

" Lele, can we still be the same as before?"

What was it like before?

Are the two of them unclearly together?

But now she already has a fiancée.

Do you want others to misunderstand that she is a mistress?

Shi Le reached out to push her away, but once she was pushed away, they were really finished.

Then just be friends, it's okay to be friends.

Whoever she fell in love with first, the choice was never in her hands.

The author has something to say:

"Unchangeable Nature" No one is born to love the person around him to death, but you are the most stimulating to me, and you can conquer me in everything.

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