1. Ain't Strangers.

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The chilly morning air nipped at the young girl's skin as she carefully slipped out of her tent, making sure not to wake her sister who was sleeping peacefully beside her. She zipped up her jacket and pulled her hoodie over her head, creating a shield against the cold wind that rustled through the campsite. The girl's father had left earlier to go hunting, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She felt isolated and disconnected from the other kids who were always chatting and playing together. Her reserved personality kept her from joining in the fun.

She walked over near the quarry, sitting on a big rock. Olivia stared at the water, longing for a sign of hope. It'd been a little over a month since she'd fled her farm and left her horse behind. She still missed Eclipse a whole lot.

A few people were up. Lori was helping Amy with making breakfast and Dale sat on top of his RV reading. Everyone else was asleep or left.

Olivia spotted the two most mysterious men in the camp. The Dixon brothers. They had their set up a bit farther from everyone and didn't really talk to anyone but each other. That's how Olivia was. She didn't talk to anyone but her dad and sister.

There were a few times she had been around the Dixons. Like when they invited her dad over to have lunch with them. Andrew and Merle would often smoke together. However, the small girl was still a bit afraid of them.

The girl had a problem with her daddy's smoking addiction. It was getting worse, she could hear it in his voice. But he wouldn't listen to her, he never will.

Olivia has been in this camp long enough to know how these people are. Usually, it'd take longer to know that but I guess in the apocalypse, no one is a stranger and you just kind of open yourself up to them. When she first met everyone, she kindly greeted them and introduced herself. That's the only time she ever really talked to them. After that day, her dad told her to stay away from them and not to bother or annoy them.

"Olivia! Get over 'ere, girl," Andrew shouted. In his hand, hung a dead rabbit. He held it by the foot. Olivia quickly ran toward her dad's voice. She looked at him both disgusted and clueless.

"Where's your sister?" he asked.

Olivia responded, "She's still asleep."

"Alright. We're havin' dinner with the Dixon's. No complainin'. Skin the rabbit for me," He ordered.

Olivia hated having to skin the animals her dad had when he came back from hunting. She had her own personal knife just for that. But, she understood that she had to for her own sake. One, it's to eat. Two, it's the end of the world and three, she'd be in huge trouble if she ever said no to her dad.

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