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Pete :- can I go and brought your lunch here khun vegas

Vegas :- yes go

Pete went to kitchen to brought vegas lunch , and come back to vegas room .

Pete:- khun vegas should I serve it bed or table

Vegas :- in table ,not in the bed .

Pete serve the food, placed it in plate .

Vegas went to table , take his seat .

Vegas :- did you ate yet pete

Pete:- no khun after family members completed their lunch , then bodyguard allowed to eat .

Vegas :- you can go eat ,I will manage alone.

Pete:- I am not allowed to eat before you complete your lunch khun , I will wait here.

After knowing pete didn't eat yet ,vegas as not so normal person throught if he finished it fast ,pete can go and eat , so he started eating very fast .

As expected he choke on his rice.

Pete :- khun vegas drink the water.

Pete gave vegas the glass of water.
Started patting vegas back.

Pete :- khun vegas are you ok.

He continues to patting vegas back.

After drinking water vegas become normal.

He abort the fast eating plan cause it wasted more time.

After eating it , pete went back to kitchen.

Vegas was happy that now pete can finally eat.

Vegas fallen sleep after that.

Pete went to kinn office room give him report.

Kinn :- did you do what I ask you to do.

Pete :- yes khun kinn I did .

Kinn :- good I am always impressed by your work , I know you will never disappoint can go back to your work now.

Pete :- yes khun.

Kinn :- did you eat yet

Pete :- no khun

Kinn :- go eat first then work.

Pete :- khub khun .

Pete went out of the office

Kinn in his  mind just this mission end the way I want it ,I will talk with my father about us , we can be happily be together with eachother Nobody will questions me , dad will happily except us , I wait so many years for it , just some days more if I prove that vegas is black sheep between our family , he will be boycotted by others mafia families, dad will understand i am truly deserve to be head of the family.

I can start my family without any ones will be out of our picture.

Mac :- o my god so many chocolates , I will share some with p'pete when he comes to meet hia in our hoom

First time in this life my cousin did something right , but what I am going to do with this flower 🌹,did he doesn't know red roses resembles love , lovers give it to eachother.
If I come back home with it dad going kill me , hia going to kill the one who gave me this. He is just older than me but he is slow in head, he act like he is those cool kid who act cold , play guitar , don't give a fuck about anyone but in real life cry infront of his ex , fucked up his life.

What should I do with tata , should say yes to p'kim ,so that he can help me to learn how to play it ,or I should wait for hia ,his already has so much to do , then he have to percue p'pete too right.i should take help from my depressed causin, who knows after he start having human interaction every day, he get back his brain cells.
I still can't believe I thought he is the normal one in our family.

Kim :-  did I did wrong telling  mac that ,I will help him how to play guitar , do he even want to learn from me . Who are you joking nobody wants to stay close to you , the way you behave with others, mac will reject my offer tomorrow I know.


I will daily update or update between every two day this story.

And vegaspete married Life once a week.

Don't forget to vote and comment, you all read my story but didn't follow me 😃 why ??

Ok forget about it wait you think about today update.

Next update will be kimmacau part

Bye bye

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