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Pete:- khun vegas your

Pete:- khun vegas your

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snacks and coffee.

Mac :- where is mine p'pete

Vegas :- mac don't act like we didn't feed you in minor family.i never saw you even eating evening snacks before,here you are asking for it twice.

Mac :- so what they have good snacks in here, p'pete feed me ,lots of his Island special snacks too , I want to eat them.

Pete :- khun Macau , all of this for you,you can store them here , eat it whenever you want them too

Pete :- khun Macau , all of this for you,you can store them here , eat it whenever you want them too

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Mac :- really so many,I will eat them well p'pete,thank you.

Vegas :- you think eating this will don't effect your body .

Pete :- khun vegas they are good for health, you can try them too.

(Ok little promotion for FuchixBuild, if you all have money please buy them, if you are broke like author,then it's ok okey eat your regular snacks)

Mac :- p'pete can we have another match.

Vegas :- why are you both ignoring me, do you both think I don't exist. Hey mac why you don't want to play with me.

Knock knock

Kinn :- is pete is here.

Vegas:- no it's his spirit standing here.

Pete:- khun kinn you could have called me or ask other bodyguards to inform me, you don't have to come here to meet me.

Kinn :- it's ok pete , I wanted to talk with you, did you ate .

Pete :- khun yes , do you need anything.

Kinn :- can come to my office check some papers for me,I have other things to do right now, I will sit there if you have problems you can ask me for help too.

Vegas inside his mind what happened to my stupid cousin,why he asking for my housewife help , or he offering him help 🤨, boy even ask did he ate or not something is wrong here .

Mac :- no p'pete promised me that he will play with his and me now . You can't just come and take p'pete away from us.

When did pete promise that, mac be lieing after putting feet in this mansion, but how dare kinn want to take pete away from us .

Kinn :- o little cousin how are you doing, I miss you, you grow so fast

Mac :- big cousin lot better than you, why don't you play with us if miss me so much big cousin.

Ok final mac is my real brother, their no doubt about it, the way he handles kinn, respect bro.

Vegas :- yes why you are playing, are you scared that you will lose infront of your bodyguard right

Kinn :- who gave you the information that I will lose it .I will play and win .

Mac and vegas :- let's see .

Pete :- what I am going to do khun kinn , check those papers or stay here.

Vegas :- you better stay here and see your boss to lose .

Kinn :- no play with us pete , we will be in same team and win against them.

Mac :- you thought, me and p'pete going to be in same team , you either team up with his or play alone.

Vegas kinn :- we will never be on a same team.

Mac :- it's ok watch me and p'pete win it easily, and you guys could lose anyway against me anyway.

Vegas :- mac I want to talk you alone, come out of the room for a minute.

Vegas and Macau conversation out the room.

Now tell me what are you cooking
Nothing hia , I saw you are feeling alone so I thought we should play then big cousin come , I don't want p'pete to went with him so I lied about promise thing .it's ok I lie everyday,I will probably going to hell anyway, why should I fear about it.

Mac run away from kim studio with tata , he felt some different things inside his stomach, he was panicing, he just wanted to stay away from everything, specially his younger cousin kim.

From next chapter  Little part of how vegaspete started and kimmacau long update .

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