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Vegas :- macau look happy now days.

Pete:- he is happy cause he has you as older brother .you take care of him more than your dad did.

Vegas :- pete I want to say something, don't share it with anyone I never told about it anyone or will ever told anyone, you are going to be my new family so I am telling you.

Macau is not my real brother, that's does matter, I love him more than I could do to my real brother. He is like son to me , mom was ill that time and pregnant then one day she had a miscarriage, if main family could know about that they could mock my father more so he booked flight for mom and me for macau ,I was 10 years old that time, I still remember in how much pain my mom was, i was crying cause I don't even know what happened to her , after we went arriving macau , mom went to  hospital, we stayed in macau for 1 year , dad told as to adopt a baby boy , and come back with him , act like he is your real brother.

Not my dad but I chose a kid, in adoption center, so many little babies were there crying, screaming,then I saw a kid who stopped crying when he saw me , he started laughing, can you believe he didn't even have teeth that time, I decided that my brother,we adopted him , he was like my own child he used eat when I am feeding him , he is always with me ,I named him macau cause I got him from there, after even coming back to Thailand he used to think I am his dada , I still remember his first word was dada ,but he calling me dada not dad , after he grew up he got to know I am not his dad I am his brother, still he was closed to me , I did everything I can to save him for my dad , I chose him as my brother I could never let anyone hurt him .

Now dad is no more he can happily whatever he likes to do , nobody going Stop him.

Vegas was crying during explaining about past.

Pete :- nobody going to know about it vegas ,he is your brother,he is always will be .you are the best brother in the world vegas ,he love you so much ,you are his idol ,he looks up to you .


Macau :- p'pete  can we go play basketball,I always wanted to play it but whenever we come here my dad forcefully brought hia into the meeting and I can't play alone you now, now we are here his is sleeping like he didn't sleep for years, I only have you, please wait me na 🥺.

Pete:- khun macau ok let's play.

Pete and macau was playing non stop for 3 hours, vegas wake up and saw his room is clean and their a sheet on which breakfast time is over khun vegas , when you woke up please call in this number I will prepare your breakfast and bring it to your room.

Vegas :- o so it's Pete's number,let me save it . House husband 🎀, should I call him and ask him to make the breakfast or go to the kitchen and see him cook .yes I should get ready then call him to make breakfast so I can see him making Breakfast for me (if anyone wandering why vegas sleeping so long it's for sleeping tablets).

Vegas called pete and pete started to make breakfast for vegas and macau cause after playing he got hungry to that doesn't matter he drank fruit juice and cakes 10 min ago .

Vegas saw pete was cooking
(Main family should increase his salary at this point for doing so many work)

And macau was eating juice.

Vegas:- how did you know I like pancake 🥞

Pete:- khun vegas khun macau told me that

Vegas:- macau you didn't ate your breakfast too ,are you waiting for me

Macau:: no hia ,I ate with p'pete and other bodyguard in the morning.

Vegas :- so what are you doing in the kitchen then

Macau:- I am hungry too , and I want to see how p'pete cook too.

Vegas -just come to me room after we  finish eating I have lots of things to talk with you

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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