The Troublemaker & His Little Princess

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Okay. So Here It Is. My First ever story. Please gimme feedback. Good or bad stuff I dont mind. Thanks Ya All


"I wish you were never born." These words haunted my mind as I drove through towns I've never been to. It was the last thing my mother said to me before she slammed the door in my face. 

My name, is Alice Jacobs. And yes, if you have figured it out by now, I am homeless at the moment. Well, until I get to my dad's house at some point. I've been driving around since my mom, Emma Wills kicked me out of the house. After a quick phone call, my dad who sounded furious on the phone announced to my mom that I would be living with him. My dad, Nathan Jacobs, even offered to have some driver pick me up. But then, it would take 2 days for him to arrive too. I didn't want to wait in the hellhole anymore. So, here I am, driving around in my car, and probably lost. 

Just when I gave up hope, I saw the sign, "Welcome to Tree Hill." I was happy that I found the town but when I started driving into the town, I was greeted with many houses and stores. I parked my car infront of what appeared to be a cool hangout. "Newsstand" A coffee shop, maybe? There were a couple of kids around even in this hour of dawn. Wow.

I fished around in my bag for the slip of paper that had my dad's address written on. I know, I was stupid enough not to type it into my phone. But hey, I was in a hurry and all I saw then were a piece of paper and a pen. 

I gave up on my bag, and started the hunt for the paper in my car. I couldn't find it anywhere. Then, I remembered, because I was in a hurry, I had left the paper on my desk. I hit my head on the steering wheel. I am such a clumsy idiot sometimes. 

I stepped out of the car and was hit with June's cool wind. I wrapped my scarf tightly around my neck and sat on the hoodie. I picked up my new Iphone and called my dad. And guess what? He didn't answer it. Not much of a surprise since the clock on my car read 5:30 a.m. My dad wasn't an early riser especially not in a weekend like today.

Great! Just great! I was stranded in a strange place with no one that I knew. I huffed and punched my car and it only hurt my hand and didn't make me feel anybetter. 

"Hey, you over there. You can't take out your anger on such a beautiful car." A beautiful voice reached my ears.

I looked up and that was when I saw him. He was quite a sight. A handsome face topped by silky black coiffed hair. His pale pink lips or his straight nose wasn't what distracted me.It also wasn't the black polo t-shirt that hugged his torso or his black leather jacket, or the black jeans that snuggly fit him.It was his eyes.

They were a chocolate brown. A hint of warmth beneath them. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of chocolate when I looked at them.

I was brought back into present with the sound of somebody clearing his throat. Then, I realized that I had been staring at him. I blushed and looked down. I BLUSHED! Me, the furious girl who hated boys and their flirting just blushed. This does not happen everyday.

"So, you got a smooth ride over there." He said, running his fingers down my blackFord mustang. I beamed and proudly said, " Yeah, she's my baby. My dad got it for me." While he was still admiring my car, I thought of something. I asked him, " Hey, speaking of my dad. You wouldn't happen to know a Nathan Jacobs, would you?" He looked up surprised at the mention of my dad's name. "What if I do know him?" He smirked at me. 

"So, you know where he lives?" I asked him. And he kept his smirk and replied, "Yes, I do."

Finally. Yess!! I punched my fist in the air and blushed red at the thought of how ridiculous I must look to him right now. He just laughed at me. "You're cute when you blush." He said, trying to annoy me. I blushed even darker and said. "OK. Back to topic. Umm, I kinda need to find the guy's house?" He came and sat next to me and said, " What for? Wait, is he your dad? Then you must be his daughter." 

"Wait, what? How'd you know?" It was my turn to be surprised. "Well, the whole town's been buzzing about it since yesterday. Your dad called my dad at the school about getting you admission and stuff. And you know how gossip travels." He replied brushing his hair out of his eyes.

"So, will you please please take me to his house?" I begged him biting my lip. I bite my lip when I am nervous. And this is one of those moments. 

His eyes were glued to my lip for an instance and he shook his head and stood up. "Sure, but you should know who you are talking to, right? I forgot to introduce myself. I am Zayn Malik."

"Well, yeah. Umm, am Alice Jacobs. Nice to meet you." I said shaking his outstretched hand.

" You too." He smiled, shaking my hand. 

It was a quarter past 6 when we got to my house. He drove my car while I sat in the passengers seat. All through the ride, we made small talk. As he pulled  up a driveway of a house, he said. "Well, this is it". I stood up a little and looked at the house.It was a big brown and red house. But it was BIG! 

"Wow!" I exclaimed, getting out of the car and shutting the door. He also got out and shut the door and came and stood by me. "You've never been here before, right?"

"Yeah, my parents divorced when I was 7. Then dad moved. We did see each other at summer holidays. It was always at his summer house in Miami. But, the last time we did that, it was 3 years ago. We haven't seen each other for 3 years. Mom didn't allow it and dad didn't try much. But right after what happened the other day, dad decided that mom went far from the limit and he told mom that I was staying with him. He warned her that he was going to get custody this time. And you know what? She said, she didn't care as long as I was gone. And so here I am." I blabbed. 

"Hey. Don't cry. You are gonna have an awesome life here. Tree Hill is going to rock your world." He said while wiped the tears of my face with his big thumb. [Yeah, his hands were big.]

 I hadn't realized that I was crying. I wiped my face with a tissue and turned to him. "Thanks. And thank you so much for bringing me here to house, i guess?" 

He laughed and twirled my long black locks around his fingers. "Go. Your  rich daddy must be waiting for his little girl."He said to me. 

Ooops. I forgot to mention that my dad is this rich guy. Honestly, I don't even know what he does. But he always says that he is a 'professional moneymaker'. 

"Hey that's good. Daddy's little girl." He smirked at me, bringing me out of my thoughts. 

I hate how that smirk makes him more handsome. I playfully punched him and said, "And here I was thinking that you are nice."

He tucked a strand of my hair under my ear and said, "I am nice now and then. But usually am just a troublemaker that you wish you never knew." 

"You don't seem like one." I said. He smirked again and said, "Don't judge a book by its cover. I could make your life a living hell. But.." "But..what?" I asked him. "But I find you interesting." He walks away with this. Just as I reach the front door, I heard Zayn calling me. I turned around to find him waving. "Good bye, little princess. Imma see you later." He yelled.

"Fine. Shut up. Don't call me little princess." I hissed at him and turned around to ring the bell. I could hear him laughing as he walked away. 

After what seemed to be an eternity, my dad opened the door as I rang the bell for the fifth time. "Hey baby girl. Sorry, I am not an early bird. How was your ride?" He asked as we hugged. I broke down as I leant into his shoulder. It's been 3 freaking years since I last saw him so cut me some slack. "It's OK baby girl. You are home now. And am never letting you go." 

It wasn't surprising that I already felt at home. I felt safe and sound in my dad's arms. Away from my terrible drunken ass of a mother. Sorry  but she is.

Maybe Zayn was right. Tree Hill would rock my world. I could feel it in my bones. My past doesn't matter because my present and future would better. Hopefully. 

I have taken a liking to him I guess. 

Oh God. No way. A 'Daddy's Little Girl' can't like a 'Troublemaker'. This cannot be happening. I DO NOT LIKE HIM! 

I decided that I, Alice Jacobs do not and will not like Zayn Malik. Because he is an irritating jerk..But he said that I was interesting?

Interesting is what I think of him too. Apart from being a hot dark angel.

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