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"John," Dave walked into the shared apartment. "I'm home."

There was no response.

"Dude if you are planning some lame prank it's not going to work," Dave sighed as he walked into the living area. Their apartment was a pretty decent size. They had a living room, a kitchen with a stove and fridge, two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a small loft.

When Dave walked in his breathing hitched. John was asleep on the couch without a shirt and his hair was still wet from the shower he probably took.

"Bro," Dave lightly shook his roommate awake. "It's time to make dinner."

"No," John reached for a blanket and hid in it.

"John," Dave pulled it down. "I can't cook to save my life."

"I can't either!"

"Then let's go somewhere," Dave suggested realizing it might make them look like they're going on a date.

"Fine," John threw the blanket off him and walked towards his room. "But no homo!"

"All of the homo, John," Dave snickered in response.

After a few minutes John came out of his room in blue pajamas.


"Yes dear?" John replied still obviously tired.

"Why are you wearing pajamas?"

"I don't want to go outside, outside is bad," John laid down on the couch.

"But food."

"Order it."

"Fine," Dave pulled out his cell phone. "What do you want?"

"Pizza," John closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Dave sat on the couch next to his sleeping roommate after ordering the food and some drinks. He has always had a crush on John, he admired the beautiful blue eyes that always lit up in excitement. Lately, John had been distant and asleep almost all the time. His blue eyes never had that sparkle that were there once before.

There was a loud knock and that startled Dave. He looked to his right to see if it had awoken John, it didn't.

Dave stood up and walked to the door grabbed the twenty he had on the coffee table.

"Hey," Dave answered the door quietly. "Keep the change." Him and the pizza man traded objects and Dave went inside to see John starting to stir in his sleep.

"John, it's time to wake up," Dave poked the raven haired boy. "It's time to eat." John opened his eyes slowly and laid there for a minute staring at the ceiling.

"Okay," he said sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Dave stared at John with a worried look covered by his sunglasses.

"I'm worried about you man," Dave threw being "cool" and "ironic" out the window.

"Dude that's not cool," John laughed. "Why would you be worried?"

"You've been sleeping a lot more than normal."

"Oh yeah," John took the box from Dave and set it on the coffee table. "I guess I have, but there's no need to worry!" John was putting on a front and Dave knew it. His voice sounded cheerful and his actions too but his eyes were without the sparkle, he looked more sad than anything. The sparkle was there when he woke up but when he looked at Dave, it disappeared. Dave knew he was the problem but wasn't sure what he did.

"What did I do?" Dave asked finally.

"What are you-"

"Don't play innocent," Dave sat down in the couch. "I know I did something so tell me so I can fix it."

"You'll laugh at me if I tell you," John looked down and found sudden interest in his now moving hands.

"No I won't," Dave smirked. "Have more faith in me than that."

"It's just that I have a crush on someone," John smiled shyly and almost saddened that he does.


"Well it's just that he is a boy and I'm gay and he's sitting in front of me and he's a fucking idiot for not noticing," John's hand went for the box but was stopped by Dave's.

"Saying you like me?" Dave had the cocky grin that would probably never go away, unless...

John grabbed Dave by the collar of his shirt and brought the platinum blonde down to meet him. John gently pressed his lips to Dave's who was hesitant at first but soon kissed back. They wanted to stay like that but there's this thing called oxygen that they need to live and stuff. Dave pulled back slightly, still able to feel the warm breaths of the other.

"I love you John," Dave smiled for once instead of smirking all the goddamn time.

"I love you too," John giggled. Dave saw the little sparkle come back in his eyes.

"Damn it John," Dave lightly kissed him.

"What?" John asked between the small kisses.

"You're too cute."

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