Movie Date

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A/N this took longer for me to write than it should have. Holy shit school is stressful. Holy fuck how am I already failing a class. Anyway, I am still taking suggestions for any ideas you fluffs have. This suggestion was from @demonpuppy , I am so sorry if this didn't live up to your expectations, I kind of made Dave react the same way I react and I got lazy so he tells him funny (I mean shitty and dark) jokes. 

 "So what movie are we wathing this time?" your boyfriend asked with a slight smirk.

"How abot a horror movie this time?" you asked.

He hesitated. Dave rarely hesitates unless he's opposed to something you like.

"Yeah sure," he replied. Even with his shades on, you could tell he was looking away. He started to shift uncomfortably as if just standing there he was slightly fearful that something was going to happen.

"We don't have to if-"

"Jesus John, I am not scared! It's just a movie with actors and make up and special affects! I am not scared!" he protested as her locked the door to his apartment.

"Well then, let's go watch a horror movie," you took is had in yours and went to watch a movie.


That horror movie was a bad idea, goddamnit John why did you have to have the idea that he'd get semi scared and cuddle into you? No instead of driving him back to his apartment you just drove him to your closer one. The entire way, he had curled himself up in your passenger seat and cried. You honestly felt horrible and regret not just picking a shitty movie like you normally do.

"Dave," you softly put your hand on his back, feeling him stifing up. "We're here, let's go inside and cuddle okay?" His head slowy lifted up with a sniffle that just about broke your heart. His expression practically killed you, his eyes were all puffy and pink, his nose was slighty tinted the same color and his lips were in a pout. You helped him ou of the car as he franticly looked around in fear of something getting him. After bringing him inside and to your bed, you brought him doritos and apple juice.

"Hey, Dave?" he was still snifling, quick do something to make him feel better! "Why did the cookie go to the hospital?"

"Jesus Egbert I really don't want to-"

"Because he felt crummy!" You watched him smile slightly at your shit attempt to make a joke. You sat next to him and cuddled.

"Why was the baby strawberry crying?" he looked up at you a shrugged. "Becuase his mom and dad were in a jam!" The reaction you got was the one you wanted, he was smiling and laughing slightly.

"Why did little Susie fal off the swings?"


"Because she had no arms," he bursted into laughter at that horrible joke.


"Who's there," he asked with the biggest smile you've ever seen.

"Not little Susie."

"John these are horrible jokes!" he managed to get out in between laughs.

"But they're doing their job!" you kissed his head.

"And what is their job?"

"To make you feel better."

JohnDave OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now