CH 2

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"Wago shenama le phone eo until when ngwana waga Micheal?" Shit! Not me dropping my phone and jumping from my bed in a hurry ,That will be my mom's unimpressed voice. She didn't have to scare me like that" Ma hle you didnt have to scare me like that!" I state collecting my phone,sitting on the bed and facing my door,there she is leaning on it. How long have i been on Instagram? I look at my watch,its just after 3pm. " there is no way you had 1 class again today, no way Kimberly!why are you skipping classes?" She definitely doesnt look impressed" hey mama, how are you to-..." ( gco) " i don't have that kind of patience today Kim, its been 2 weeks of you coming home early, not even after 10am to atleast throw me off. Yini?"she asks and i sigh, cause i honestly dont like attending classes, i have told her this already " i told you already hle mommy. Who pissed you off today?" I change the topic" if its not your father, its your brothers. If you wont tell me why you are skipping classes you will have to tell your big headed father,who is waiting for you outside by the way" i groan not loud enough for her to hear, she sometimes can be a strict mom today seems to be one of those days where she's mad at everyone" like i said mama, i study better at home, my grades show it though. Now come sit and tell me who pissed you off" she sighs" i have a headache,  go see your dad outside before Andile comes here and find him" with that said, she turns around and leaves, well Andile despises my dad should i say he loathe him nje for whatever his reasons are.  I quickly wear my shoes and head downstairs"  mommy's fav " i greet my lil bro, Jr is back from school i see,he waves and smiles as i walk out the door, him being back means Kylie and the twins must be around here somewhere in the house.  My dad parked outside the gate as usual he came with his wife. They are always together when coming here but what does he want?as i walk out the gate, he gets out of his car" Hey daddy" i greet soon as i get my hug" My Princess, i missed your face and hugs "best believe his not lying but i know better now, i know his here to spy cause he could have called to let me know his coming."you have started dad" i whisper since we are still hugging" shhh don't be too obvious nawe"i roll my eyes knowing he cant see me. We let go and i greet step mother with a low hi,she just gives me a look. Sometimes i want to feel sorry for her but her attitude always always reminds me that uyalayeka to be honest.  See the thing is my dad sometimes misses my mom, if he doesnt want to fight with her on that week or whatever day he will drive by ,park by the gate just to claim to want to give me something, or give my siblings something..i think my brothers both noticed his behavior so Andile gets to be violent with him which i hate cause his my dad, his only human, if he wants to drive by and see his ex wife please who am i to say no!? Uyabona "mama will soon clock your game" we are whispering cause his wife is in the car with the window wide open and looking at us" leave that to me , why are you skipping classes? We spoke about this ,you worry your mom alot " i raise my brow" did she tell you that?" I asks cause last time I checked they do not communicate at all, he shakes his head quick "i can tell that she's stressed, try staying at school abit longer or come by my office" i sigh"  but i prefer my room" ei parents " just this week and next week try to avoid coming home early " i give him a side eye " i will attend fully from tomorrow,  so vele vele daddy you just came to stalk mom, cause we already spoke of this" i tell him with a side eye, mind you we are still whispering" as my only child, let your father shine for once,  but no i didnt come here just for that, i bought you that  return flight tickets you wanted,  and tickets to go see Lady Gaga perform isn't it?"it took me a bit to register what he said but soon as it did i screamed with excitement and hugged him tightly, ofcourse i half lied, i was taking my chances cause i want to go see my man.but the concert will do as well" thank you thank you daddy, you are the best" his cheesing, proud i think he is. " you can take that cousin of yours bathi ubani konje? Yena uMasego, her mother wont agree, ufana no Kimora loya Aunty wakho "i chuckle, as soon as she heard my mom's name she has had enough she calls my dad and reminds him that its time to go" the trip is for next month, i will see you for lunch date tomorrow, i nod and bid him farewell, yes my dad makes sure a day doesn't go by without him coming to see me. He says i am his pride and joy. I love my dad so much. Thats why i want him to find a new wife, a proper one who is not stuck on hate for my mom which lead to her hating me as well. I walk back into the yard, " mom says its your turn to cook" now i huff loudly and groan as i walk in the house, Kevin tells me i have to cook. My mom must really not be in the moods.

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