Chapters 9 - Thirsty

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Amy's POV

Chantal and her friends came back to the suite to get ready. They said they were going to the club but Lisa said she had a headache and she wasn't in the mood to go.

As much as I wanted to go, I couldn't go without her.

"Suh Lisa can't stay here by herself?" Chantal asked as I applied some makeup to her face.

"No, because she wouldn't let me stay here alone," I replied, making her hissed her teeth.

"As far as me see it, that girl is going to ruin your vacation. You came here to have fun not to be stuck up and babysit."

There were so many things on my mind that I wanted to go out tonight and just drink and free myself, but I couldn't leave Lisa alone here.

How am I on vacation and still stressed?

"Y'all like this dress on me?" Terry asked.

"It fits you better than it fits me." Chantal said.

I noticed that they shared everything and I was praying that they didn't touch anything for me because they didn't seem to respect boundaries.

"Which club unuh a guh tonight?" Lisa entered the room asking.

"Club Puba, it's on the south side, a little distance from here," Terry answered.

"Well I Amy come fix my hair because I am coming," Lisa said.

"Really?" I asked.

I could hear Chantal slightly hissed her teeth and saw Kacy rolled her eyes then whispered to Terry who followed suit.

"Yeah, I need to get out, maybe my headache will stop. However, I am not drinking tonight."

"Yay! Come let me fix your hair." I said with excitement.

I really needed to let loose a little and free my mind from everything that was bothering me so I was more than happy that she decided to go.

After fixing Lisa's hair, I did mine and sprinkled a little makeup on my face.

"Amy, your phone is vibrating," Chantal told me.

I picked it up quickly thinking it was Chris but it was actually a message from my worst nightmare.

Why me lord?

"Guys, I'm going into the room to take this call."

"Don't stay too long because the car service will be here in 20 minutes and we have to get there in time to meet up with Dante so we can go into the club free," Chantal said.

I turned back, "Wait, he is going to be there? I thought it was just us."

"Well yes, his friend is a bartender at the club so Dante got some passes and he invited us."

"Now me feel icky, we nuh know dem bwoy deh," Lisa said.

She was right. We can't be hanging out with them just like that and we don't know them.

"Unuh know anything about Dante and his friends?" I asked.

They all looked at each other, "I know he is cool and friends with Carlos' Kacy said.

"And Azair?" I asked.

"Don't know anything about him, it's the first time I actually met him but Carlos spoke about him a few times." Kacy said.

"Look, we are just going to a club to enjoy ourselves, it's not like we are hooking up with them."

"Chantal I know that but we still have to be careful."

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