Chapter 3. Let's Not Burn Down My Kitchen.. Please.

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"Cook?! I'd love to learn how to cook one of your human foods! What is it the food called?" "It's baked good, at least i think.. they're called Pancakes! It's like a flat bread that you can add almost anything onto it- like whipped cream, strawberries, blueberries, syrup and a lot of other things! They're really good and I think you might like them." Asher looked at Cosmic and he could practically see Cosmics eyes light up. Then Cosmic started to jump and float..? That was new- but nevermind that.. Cosmic looked so happy, it was kinda cute.. "Alright.. I'll make them first, then you'll make them, okay? Does that sound good?" "Yes! That sounds wonderful asher! I'm so excited to make them!" Asher chuckled. "Alright, now before we get started we need to get you changed.. You've been wearing the same outfit that I found you in.. you could borrow one of my shirts, or something.." Asher rubbed the back of his neck as he looked over towards Cosmic. "Yeah sure- that's fine." Cosmic smiled and Asher nodded his head. Asher walked over towards his room and opened his closet, grabbing Cosmic a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He walked back and handed the clothes to Cosmic, "here you go." Asher smiled before speaking again. "You can change in the bathroom." Asher smiled, pointing over towards it. "If you need any help just let me know, okay?" Cosmic nodded his head. "Alright!"

As cosmic left to go to change Asher went to go get everything the two of them will need to make the pancakes; 1 ½ cups of flour, 3 ½ teaspoons of baking powder, 1 tablespoon of sugar, ¼ teaspoon of salt, 1 ¼ cups of milk, 3 tablespoons of butter and a single egg. And just as Asher finished preparing everything, Cosmic came out of the bathroom. "Ah, I see you back. Do the clothes fit well?" Asher said softly, grabbing a bowl from the cabinets not looking at Cosmic just yet. "Yeah they fit just fine! The pants are a bit tight though.." Asher hummed "hm.. Yeah I think I did give you a pair of skinny jeans.. I could give you a pair of sweatpants, they would be more comfortable... Would you prefer those?" "yeah.. This pair is a little tight on me.. Thanks for the clothes though!" Asher smiled and turned around to go back and get Cosmic a pair of sweatpants. "Alright then i'll be right back..-" Asher paused as he looked at Cosmic, his face turning red as he looked at Cosmic, he didn't know what it was but.. Something about Cosmic being in his clothes made his body warm.. "Asher are you alright? You just kinda froze?" Asher gasped and stopped thinking. "Yeah-! I-.. I'm fine, it's nothing, I'll go get your sweatpants. I'll be right back." Asher walked back to his room and opened his closet and grabbed a sweatpants. "God... why did my body get all warm like that when I saw him.." Asher mumbled under his breath his face flushed red as he walked back to his living room to give Cosmic the pair of sweatpants. "Uhm.. here's the sweatpants.." Asher walked back over towards the kitchen to get the rest of the things the both of them will need. "Oh! Uhm, thanks asher." Cosmic smiled at Asher and walked over towards the bathroom to go and change. Cosmic came out of the bathroom less than a minute later. "Alright." Asher sighed. "Everythings all set up.. Are you ready Cosmic?" Cosmic nodded his head and walked over next to asher. "You can just stand right next to me and watch. Sounds good?" "Yes! Sounds perfect Asher!" Cosmic smiled and stood right next to asher.

"Alright so first.. You're gonna want to add all of the dry ingredients in a singular bowl.. Put the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt in a bowl and mix it together, like this." Asher moved over to that Cosmic would be able to see how Ashers mixing them together. "You gonna wanna make a well in the middle..-' 'What's a well...?" Cosmic tilted his head. "Oh-.. uhm, a well is just a hole in the middle. In this case it is so we can put wet ingredients in it.. Speaking of the wet ingredients.. You put them in the well, and mix them until it's smooth. Make sure to get everything on the bottom too, you don't want to have anything dry in your batter.." Asher plugged in the griddle he had set aside and turned it on to a medium high temperature. "You have to pour a small amount of the batter on the griddle and wait for it to start bubbling.. Like that! And then you flip it." Asher explained carefully and after pouring a few asher thought cosmic could do some by himself. "Alright while you do that im gonna quickly go to the bathroom, alright?" Cosmic nodded his head and started to pour the batter on the griddle. As Asher went to the bathroom, he had a feeling that something would go wrong... And something did.

As Asher was washing his hands and he smelt smoke.. That probably wasn't good. He sighed and washed his hands, when exiting the bathroom he didn't really think what was happening was.. Well- happening.. "Dude.. cosmic what's with the smoke smell.. You better not be smoking in my-.. AH!- WHAT THE F- WHAT THE HELL DUDE?! HOW THE HELL, DID YOU MANAGE TO SET THE PANCAKE ON FIRE!?" Asher shouted clearly panicking over this whole.. Situation.. "I.. well..." Cosmic started. "I just kinda.. Let them sit.. But.. maybe for too long, I wasn't really.. Uhm paying much attention to them.." "you know what- screw your story i need to but this fire out!-" Asher went to a nearby cabinet and grabbed the fire extinguisher, and put out the fire. "Next time, i won't be leaving the room.." cosmic frowned, he had thought he was doing good on making the pancakes. "What are we going to eat now?.." "well.. The ones that I made are still intact and not.. Well, burnt.. We could eat those?" Hearing Asher's words, Cosmics frown slowly turned into a smile. "Yeah! I'd like that..!" Asher nodded his head and cleaned up the mess from the fire, and grabbed two plates.

There were only 5 pancakes left, so Asher gave 3 of them to Cosmic and 2 to himself. "Is there anything specific you want on your pancakes?" "oh-! Uhm.. anything really!" Asher nodded his and smiled, on his pancakes he just put some syrup and butter on them, and on Cosmics he put on syrup, whipped cream, strawberries and sprinkles on them. "Alright here are you pancakes, and here are mine. Bon appétit!" Asher placed down both of their plates and sat down with a sigh. "Sorry for uhm.. Starting a fire." Cosmic spoke softly. "Eh, It's fine.. You didn't burn down my entire kitchen.. Besides.. Kinda my fault for leaving you all alone with something cooking." Asher chuckled, before taking a bite from his pancakes. "You need help with cutting that?" Asher asked, smiling softly as Cosmic nodded his head. Asher took a small knife in his hand and carefully cut Cosmics pancakes into halves. "And there you go!" Asher grinned. "Thanks Asher." Cosmic smiled, before taking a bite out of his pancakes. Cosmics eyes lit up as he chewed and swallowed the pancake. "Holy hell! These are amazing Asher!" Cosmic smiled widely as very quickly ate the rest of his pancakes. "They're good aren't they?" Cosmic nodded his head, Asher grinned and chuckled. "You want the rest of mine?" Cosmic nodded his head and took Asher's plate, eating them quickly. Asher chuckled as he watched Cosmic eat the rest of the pancakes. Asher sighed, "Jesus it's already so late.. How about we go to sleep?" Cosmic nodded his head and smiled. "Alright, I can sleep in the guest room, and you can have my room. Sounds good?" "Yeah! Sounds good." Asher nodded his head. "Alrighty then, I guess I'll see you in the morning, yeah?" "Yeah!" Asher smiled and ruffled Cosmics hair before walking off to the guest bedroom to sleep.

In the morning.

Asher yawned, waking up from his sleep. It was around 10:00 AM.
he got up and took a short shower and got ready for the day, and to his surprise he saw Cosmic sitting down on the couch. "Good morning Cosmic." Asher smiled sitting down next to Cosmic. "Oh good morning asher! How are you doing this morning?" "I'm doing well, what about you? How are you doing?" Asher tilted his head, waiting for Cosmics answer. "I'm doing good!" Asher smiled. "That's good, Y'know how about we go somewhere today? No special occasion though, just so i can buy you some actual clothes, so you can stop wearing mine.." "Oh- okay!" Cosmic smiled, and Asher nodded his head. "Great, then let's go."


thsi took a while🙁 also this book probably will only be 20-ish chapters🤷‍♀️

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