~Chapter 6~

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Jungkook's Pov,

I came back after dropping tae at his appt. He was looking so tempting just like a full course meal . I just wanted to devour him at that moment when he was waving his hands as a gesture of saying bye to me . Just I know how I controlled myself . I just want him to become mine.... Just mine... I don't know why my mind is always thinking about Taehyung. There is no single second in a day when I don't think about him . He is now like oxygen to me without him I can't survive... I'm just waiting for tomorrow when I will get my position back in the Market. He really did a good job by getting that New York deal . I'm proud of him . When he'll get back we will celebrate that moment and then I'll get a chance to see Taehyung again.

Author's Pov,

After that day Jungkook started thinking about Taehyung more and more while on the other hand Taehyung was no different he also started liking Jungkook and they both got so close, due to Hoseok being their common friend they used to meed daily without leaving a single day due to meeting aur lunch or taking the reason of dinner they started spending time together more whenever they used to meet an intense breathtaking kiss has got so common between them, they also started getting comfortable around each other, Hoseok had also gotten a hint about what was going on between them but he was happy for them....
Just like that a week was gone and it was time for him to come back...

It was the Wednesday morning when completing every single work of New York He was returning in the evening...
Jungkook was present there to receive his most trusted man who was comming back winning the biggest deal he once dreamt of having....
Standing there at the airport waiting for him with his bodyguard surrounding suddenly he heard footsteps coming towards him as he lifted his gaze from his cellphone diverting his attention towards the dashing man who just got down from the privet jet moving towards Jungkook along with his bodyguard following him with his luggage...
They both moved towards eachother had shared a tight hug...

Jungkook : ohhh...Jiminaa you're back...
( Said with excitement )
Jumin : ofcourse I had to be back.... Afterall you need me here too...
Jungkook : well for sure... How can I even exist without you, when all our life we've been shadow of each other since childhood....
Jimin : well I guess you enjoyed it a lot for the last two years since I was not here...it looks like it..
Jungkook : No..babe absolutely not.... I've juts missed my love so damm much...
( Said while clinging to Jimin )
Jumin : no...move away from me..
Well what about your babe... how's it going with him..
Jungkook : what..!? Who are you talking about? What babe?
Jimin : Who do you think I am...? Do you think that if I was in New York I wouldn't know what is going on here with you and in your mind...
Jungkook : ohh...so you know...
( Said while scratching his neck in embarrassment )
Well let's go....
Jimin : do you think you'll divert this topic so easily....no...well tell me, did confessed to him...or did both did it...
( Said while teasing him )
( They both started moving while talking about their relationship )
( They both sat inside Jungkook's car and the car started moving towards his villa )
Jungkook : well, no not yet.. I haven't confessed to him yet and we haven't even done anything... He is just so nervous around me and I'm not able to control myself around him, I'm scared I might hurt him in any means....
Jimin : No, you won't ever do that...I trust you.. So tell me when are you introducing him to me... I'm so desperate to see him amd meet him...
Jungkook : well we will meet him tonight itself.. Let's first go home you need rest...
What about your boyfriend...well when is he coming back from Italy...
Jumin : He said he will be back soon...but I guess it will take him a week more to finalize about his branch opening in Italy...I just hope he's bace soon, I've missed him the most in this two years...
Jungkook : don't be sad man... he'll be back soon..

( Soon they both reached Jungkook's villa and moving out of the car the got inside the huge ass villa )

Author's Pov,
They both got freshened up in their particular room and met in the living room of the hall... Talking little bit about here and there Jungkook asked Jimin if he wanted to have some wine on which he insisted nodded his head positively...soon they both decided to get ready as they had to meet Hoseok and Taehyung for the celebration and headed into their room...
After getting ready they both settled down in Jungkook's car and drove off to one of the restaurant Jungkook owns..

Soon they both reached the restaurants getting off the car handling the keys to the guard for him to park the car they both headed towards the restaurant
And went towards the table which was reserved for them...

They both waited for sometime as Hoseok and Taehyung still weren't there... waiting for almost about 15 minutes they saw Both of them entering through the huge door of the restaurant

As soon as Jimin saw both of them entering he got confused seeing Taehyung here as Jimin already knew that he was the assistant of their rival's company who stole their recent product and he grew confused that what he is doing here....while he was thinking all this they reached them and Jungkook stood up along with Jimin and he introduced Taehyung to Jimin...
( Jungkook still didn't knew about Tae's profession )
As the introduction was done they all were seated and were having their dinner still Jimin was confused about Taehyung's existence here....
Jungkook noticed it and asked Jimin in whisper..
Jungkook : Jiminaa what's wrong with you...why aren't you enjoying and having your dinner..?
Jimin : yayy...do you even know what are you doing...
Just come with me in the corner I have a really urgent thing to talk with you
( Said angryly while glaring at him )
Jimin got up and went to the corner of the restaurants meanwhile Jungkook was confused but still followed him making Hoseok and Taehyung confused about their behaviour....

Jungkook : what's wrong with you??! Why are you suddenly behaving like this?
Jimin : what is that boy doing here with us..? Do you even know who he is..
Jungkook : what are you talking about...Taehyung is the one who I love.. why are you getting angry on that boy..
Jimin : you a***ole do you even know that He works as secretary of that Taecyeon in that fuck**g Park Industries...
( Said while screamy )
Jimin : ohh wow..so now you are doubting me and on my information..
( Said while scoffing )
This is hundred percent true that the works there..
( Hearing this Jungkook moved angrily
towards Taehyung pulled him harshly and moved out of the restaurant )


To be continued....

Word count - 1255
That's all for this chapter.
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