~Chapter 14~

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Author's POV :

As yoonmin finally got their reunion after a long time they were now busy with eachother. On the other hand taekook have also reached Jungkook's mansion . Without questioning Taehyung just went with jungkook as loves to be with him. So they entered the house and tae was in the drawing room seated on a sofa with a bowl of ramyeon in his hands and he was cutely slurping the noodles making the slurping sound. His bread cheeks were looking tempting ready to eat...... Jungkook was upstairs in his bathroom taking a nice shower ..... He came out of the shower and went towards his walk-in closet........ Something was going inside his coconut head as he stopped for sometime and stood still ........ Coming back to reality jungkook selected his outfit and accessories. After wearing them he stood infront of his dressing table to set his hair.

Jungkook's POV :

"How handsome I am, tae baby is so lucky that he will get a handsome and caring husband like me " .......I know I'm being narcissist but this is truth tho .... I succeeded in setting my hair and put on my signature cologne and started descending the stairs with steady steps just like a king...... I saw tae was watching TV with a bowl of ramyeon in his hands . He was so lost in the movie going on which was none other than 50 shades of gray . I smirked by seeing what my innocent bean is watching. I went towards him and sat beside him . I took him in my lap but still his full attention was in the movie. HE didn't even spare me a single glance. Oh so baby loves to tease daddy !!! Without any warning I entered my finger inside his tight hole. He let out a loud and sinful moan....... I didn't stopped and continued my work ....One .......then two.......... then three ...... And now I'm fucking him with my fingers . He was also giving response by what he can do that is Moaning my name and encouraging me to do more and more . I started chasing his climax as he was near . And........ He came with a lewd moan which was very sexy to me. And then I glanced at my junior which was standing proudly inside my pants....... I knew that I'm going to get a boner . Now I have to calm it down also . I was about to stand up from there but tae grabbed my wrist and made me sit again . He then grabbed my pants and slid it down in one go along with my boxers . He was looking at my manhood which looking much more bigger than its actual size...... He grabbed my d!ck and stroked it's tip with his long and slender fingers . I must say he is the epitome of beauty..... He hands were cold and I groaned immediately at the contact...... He licked the tip and started using his tongue on my member..... I was grunting continuously......... He took my whole length in his mouth and started bobbing his head up and down. His tongue was doing its work properly. My length was so big that he was gagging whenever he took it completely in his mouth..... I tried to stop him but he didn't listened to me and continued doing what he was doing...... He was now in his maximum speed chasing my climax ..... After a couple of minutes I came inside his mouth .... And he gulped my seeds in one go ........ I wore my pants again . He stood up and sat in my lap but not before wearing his pants again . He sat on my crotch crushing my d!ck with his soft ass. He crashed his lips onto mine and started kissing me passionately. I kissed back with the same passion and took the lead by entering his mouth and exploring his warm and velvetty cavern. We both were eating each other while tae patted my shoulder indicating that he is out of breath now.... I disconnected our lips but a saliva string was still connecting us to each other.

" Should I ask it now ? Yes , it's the perfect moment to ask . Come on jungkook you can do it !!!" Jungkook was thinking it himself in his mind.

"Uhm..... Tae baby I wanted to ask you something......." Jk let out nervously.

"Yes, tell me what is it ?"
Tae answered blushing.....

"It's........ Wouldyouliketobemypersonalassistant...."
Jungkook spoke in his alien language which nobody can understand.....
( Would you like to be my personal assistant?)

"I can't understand a word you said kookie..
can you please say it clear" Taehyung said while laughing.

"Uhm it's.... How do I say it" Jungkook was now rubbing his own nape ...

"Whatever it is kookie say it clear I'm not gonna kill you for that...." Tae said while getting annoyed......

Taehyung's POV :

I don't know what jungkook is going to ask me why I'm blushing.... I guess it's just because I'm thinking that he will ask me out but it's not that difficult... So I think this is something else which jungkook is going to ask me ... I can say it by observing kookie's expressions... I don't what is it but please god stop this crimson red shade that is spreading over my cheeks . It's embarrassing me.....

"So I was saying that....... Would you like to be my personal assistant?"

Kookie said this out of blue while I was lost in my own thoughts. He was now infront of me sitting on his one knee while bending the other one.........
I didn't replied him on instant but inside I was dying to be with every fuckin' moment which will be much more easier if I could work with him. Anyways that Taecyeon is not worth of being my boss when all the work is done by me and whatever he does is just copying others ideas and thinking about how to take others down and get up himself in the market...... I was already planning to resign at Park Industries so I should accept my kookie's offer....... I came back to reality and looked at kookie. He was looking at me with pleading eyes .. I can't say no to those Bambi eyes........ I accepted his hand and he stood up and crashed his lips on mine . We again kissed for a few minutes .. He broke the kiss and went towards my neck doing his artistic work there by painting hickies on my neck.. I couldn't anything other my moaning and running my hands in his soft locks..... He started to unbutton my shirt but I stopped him by saying that it's time to go to work ..... As I don't want to be late on the very first day at my new workplace.... He chuckled on my statement...... He took both hands and kissed them affectionately. He then winked at me and said that he will continue whatever he stopped right now ...... I became red on his statement.......

Author's POV :

Taekook were not getting over their lovey dovey talks but the next day they have to go office too.
So tae stopped jk from going further. Waking up from their beautiful sleep in eachother's arms they both decided to freshen up fast as it was the day Taehyung was supposed to join the office and getting ready they both moved outside.
Jungkook took his car keys and held tae's hand in his hand and came out . He took tae's favourite car and opened the front door for tae. He made him sit there and he himself slipped in the driver's seat. He started driving towards his company. In the drive they had many moments. Soon they reached their destination. Jungkook was the first one to come out and then he opened the door for tae to come out. He gave hi hand on which tae gladly accepted it. They entered the company holding hands in hands. The company were giving looks to tae. But Jungkook's glare made them out their eyelashes down.

They entered the elevator and shared an eye contact. Tae got shy and broke the eye contact. They reached the 17th floor which was of Jungkook's office and only financial department...... Jungkook took the centre and made tae stand beside him . He then said,

"I have a big announcement to make"
He said this while glancing at Mr. Shin who was also present there .

~The end~

You guys must be wondering why Mr. Shin is still in the office....well! There's a secret behind it so you guys must have to continue till the end to know it....

To be continued.............

Word count - 1441

That's all for this chapter.

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