Author's Note

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Hi, it's me again! How are you, guys? I hope you are all well. 💌

It felt like forever but I'm finally able to release the first chapters of HTW - pt 2! 🎉🎉🎉

Just a few warnings before you start:

📌 This book is not a sequel to Her Tiny World, in fact it works as it's the same book but split into two (that's why part 2). Therefore, the chapters will follow the numbering where the previous one left off just like the whole plot. So if you haven't read the previous one, I highly recommend that you do so, otherwise you'll definitely be lost in this one. 👀

📌 More characters will be part of this journey and this is so exciting. Some of them have already been mentioned before and others that are totally new. It means more tinies to come! (and humans, perhaps?) 🍄

📌 This is my first book so the pacing may not be the best, nor the writing, but I do my best to keep it interesting and fun and original. So I ask you to be a little patient with me. 😇

📌 If you like what you're reading please consider starring the chapters it's how I'll know you're liking it, besides it truly makes a writer's day. ⭐

📌 On the cover Gadry, Mina and Kae walking around the woods. 🐞

As important things has been said and set, I hope you enjoy it! 

Her Tiny World - pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now