How does this work?

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Many of you are probably wondering; what kind of book is this? How can it help me gain new readers or get honest feedback? I'll try to clarify everything here. But first things first!

The rough idea
I don't know if any of you have ever taken part in a book club here on Wattpad. I'll explain it anyway. This book club is only for fanfictions. Every fandom is welcome! The basic idea is that you can submit one or more books here and hopefully receive honest feedback from another member in the form of comments or private messages. Every round. But since this is a give and take, you do the same with another book registered here, which you may choose yourself!

Let's go into detail now.

The cancellation and registration
-Registrations are only accepted in the "Become a member" Chapter. Simply fill in the registration form there.
-You can register at any time, but you will only be included in the upcoming round
-You are welcome to register more than one book, but you must read the same number of books. In other words, you register three of your books and have to read three per round. However, you may always read more than you have registered!
-You are in until you unsubscribe
-You can unsubscribe at any time, either completely or just for one round. However, your book will also be removed during your absence.
- However, cancellations are only valid if you cancel before the start of the new round! Otherwise it will be valid for the next

The rounds
-Each round will last about 2-3 weeks
-The books will be presented in a separate chapter. Once you have decided on one, comment on there!
-Before the new round begins, there will be a chapter about the new round. Only after this chapter has been published may you register for a book that you want to read! Not before a round starts!
- One reader can register for one book per round. If your book is not selected in a round or you have not received any feedback from the reader, two readers can sign up for your book in the following round.
-Don't be sad if your book is not selected in a round. New authors are added every round! If this happens three times in a row, it will be read and rated by me in person or will be promoted in the next round
-I will check a list to see if you are really signing up for a book or reading it. If you don't, your book will be blocked for the next round and will remain so until you have made up for it.

The feedback
-You have now chosen one or more books to read
-If you like the chapters, don't hesitate to vote or if you notice things, comment on them inline
-At the end, you should all leave feedback as a comment on the book or privately in a message
-A "great" or "I like your book" does not count as feedback! It should be at least five sentences! If you need suggestions, you are welcome to have a look at the chapter "Criteria for your Feedback". So write what you like, what you don't like and make constructive suggestions for improvement. Please do not be insulting!
-You should read at least six chapters (if any) of the book, I think that should be doable in a fortnight and I don't want to force you to read a book that you might not like after all. But you are welcome to read more!
-If you haven't finished the book and would like to read more, you can sign up for the book again in the next or another round. However, you still have to give feedback and read at least six chapters per round!
-If you have not received any feedback from your registered reader, please let me know!

The ranking
As a little incentive, I've thought of something small. After you have given feedback, the authors have the opportunity to rate this criticism from 0-10. (10 is the best)
Your points are added up each round and a ranking list is created. So everyone can see who gives the best feedback and is the most active. Every 10 rounds I will give out prizes to the top 3. So it's worth it! (Like the winner gets one more reader for the next three rounds)

You can either do this on the chapter "List of members" or send me a private message.

- Be Respectful
- Your book should have at least 3 real chapters
- Your book must be in english
- As long as you don't unsubscribe for a round, I expect you to fulfil your duties!
- Any fandom is allowed, but be aware that not everyone here may know your fandom
- Crossovers are also allowed
- If you are only here to read and don't sign up for a book of your own, it's no big deal if you take a break. However, if you have already signed up for a book, please read it and give feedback. Otherwise you would have blocked a place for that book for the round.
- The password you have to enter when registering is the name of your favourite person from your fandom

Summary of the procedure
1. You register in the "Become a member" Chapter and wait until the next round starts
2. after the chapter for the new round has been published, you may choose one or more books
3. you read this book and give feedback
4. you check whether you have received feedback and rate it
5. the next round begins

You can find more detailed information about the rounds in the respective round chapters!

I hope that this was understandable. Otherwise, feel free to ask questions, preferably in the Q&A chapter. You might even find the answer to your question there ;)

As you can see, this is a project to grow our community, improve our own stories, gain readers and discover new stories. I wish you lots of fun! ❤️

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