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Summary: He was never the type to believe in anyone's words, not even himself. But when you came strutting into his life with his bag in your hand and bandaids on your face, how could he not listen to your words?


[Chapter 6]

❝ The opposites can find comfort within each other.❞


There was a time when words meant everything to him.

From his childhood, to his dream, and to his motivations, words were the main reason why his heart was here in the first place. They included him. They made him feel hopeful. They made him dream. But like Icarus reaching too close to the sun, the words that he yearned for were the reason for his downfall.

He was four when he learned that the world didn't only speak with praises and flowery compliments.

They spat out venomous and targeted sentences, like poison dripping from a knife's blade. They twisted it upon his skin, seared his chest with words he didn't want to hear, and broke his trust until he could no longer believe in anyone, not even himself.

At the age of seven, he learned the purpose of words. He hid himself in a facade like how the world taught him to. He laughed with the people even if their laughter grated his ears. He smiled to soothe them, to entertain their fearful jabs even for just a bit.

"Everyone says that," is what he always said when his classmates asked him to not brainwash them. "I guess I'd also expect bad things from someone with my ability," is what he thought with that forced smile on his face.

He understood where they were coming from. His ability is terrifying. There were so many things that he could do with this curse, so many bad and cruel things.

If others said it, then it must be true.

He convinced himself every day that he understood them. That he knew what their fear felt like. He convinced himself that the reason they were terrified of him, the reason they shut him out, was valid.

But those thoughts only made his feelings worse.


Everything is unfair.

Why did he need to think the same way as the others did? Why did he need to listen to those jabs and pretend he was fine with it? Why did he need to consider what others were thinking when they never even considered him?

Those words engraved themselves in his mind until they festered. No matter how much he tried to hide it, the wounds in his heart engulfed him until there was nothing left but anger that threatened to burst.

There were things that he wanted. There were things that he liked, that he did, things that only he knew and things that nobody would listen to. Because why would they? They don't have a reason to lend their ears to someone like him. Nobody needed to know anything about him. Nobody wanted to know.

So he kept all of his words hidden in his mind.

"Are you still thinking of becoming a hero with that Quirk?"

Someone like him can't become a hero, the whole world wanted him to know that with just their words alone.

He should accept the reality. He should accept their words once again, play alongside them, and entertain them, because that is what the world thinks and anyone who thinks otherwise is an outcast.

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