♡ 2k Votes: Kaminari Denki's POV

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Summary: In that examination, he made mistakes that went against his plans. But fortunately, you were there to make better plans for him.


[Chapter 8-10]:
❝ A little bit of happiness and excitement can't hurt you now, can it? ❞


Kaminari Denki already had a plan in his mind:

Survive the written examination, save a damsel in distress at least once, and be totally cool in the practicals.

Actually, forget the written examinations; Kaminari is too buzzed out to even study and prepare for that.

But being totally cool? That would be easy as pie since he's got an awesome and flashy Quirk!

Sure his drawback makes him dumb for a moment but like he always said to those who doubt him: at least he's cool in the process.

Then about the 'saving a damsel in distress' thing... The only thing he has to do is keep his eyes peeled at all times. That way, he can find whoever needs saving and maybe he can score her number too, if things go extremely well.

You see how easy it is?

Kaminari Denki had planned everything. He knew what he wanted to accomplish, aside from getting accepted within UA High, and he knew what he needed to do to achieve it.

So why...

Why was he doing the opposite of what he planned now?

Earlier, he was fighting that three-pointer robot. Then the next he blinked he suddenly felt like his head was flying into the air. Or maybe he shouldn't say 'felt', because he really was flying into the air after that huge robot with zero points came out.

He should be running alongside the others. But he isn't. Not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

This is so uncool of me, he thought as he stared at the clear sky above.

The others were running past him too, and it sucks cause Kaminari isn't even being helped by anyone; they're all too busy running away for their lives. And he doesn't blame them. He might have run away too, if only he could move his legs right now and actually stand.

Then a shadowed figure suddenly appeared above him.


He squinted through his blurry vision, but the figure looked doubled and hazy. Maybe they're two people— or maybe he's just tired. Probably the second one, since he only felt one pair of arms trying to help him up.

"Can you run?" They asked, but he already knew the answer. Even just standing made his legs give out under him already. "I'll carry you. I hope you don't feel violated by what I'll do."


Before he even realized it, the person reached down, lifting his knee up from the ground. Their presence was like a lifeline thrown to a drowning man—

Is what he would have thought if he didn't feel the utter shock of reality slapping him in the face.


This wasn't part of the plan!

He was supposed to be cool here, the one helping others, not the one who's now being carried like a sack of potatoes!

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