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"We are poor, my Liege." he bent the knee and lowered his head. "The thousand year war has bankrupted my coffers and ravaged my people. We are all but defenceless. Please, take what you will but leave us our dignity All Father." Oran Mere, King of a small but once rich province on Vanaheim, was beaten. He had been a thorn in Odins' side for as long as he could remember. But, as Frigga had reminded him, he was just like Odin. A man proud of his heritage. A man sworn to protect his people.  Even, it seemed from the 'benevolence' of Asgardian rule.

"Oran Mere. You are indeed vanquished. Your armies are scattered, your lands in ruin. There is nothing you can offer me that I can not take if I want to anyway. Why should I not just destroy you and all your rebels. How do I not know that in years to come, for we both know our races are long lived, you will not turn against me?" Odin sat on his horse, it's eight hooves pawing at the ground, snorting jets of steam in the morning air. Odin was a fearsome sight at the best of time and today? In victory? Even more so.

Beside him, on a white stallion, his son and heir apparent, Prince Thor. Blonde, bearded and resplendent in flowing red cloak and winged helmet.  Every inch, the warrior. To the rear, the warriors Three and Lady Sif. Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogen ,Thor's friends and complicit in many of his escapades, including the unsanctioned raid on Vanaheim that had started this latest skirmish in a battle that had lasted centuries.

Oran Mere looked up at Odin. "Because I have something you do not. A daughter. A daughter that will unite our houses and bring an end to our difficulties. We will unite your son and my daughter. She is unsullied, protected by us till this moment."

"I see. And if I take this... prized jewel... I can do with her as I see fit? You would barter her purity for peace?" Odin raised the eyebrow on his remaining good eye.

Thor glanced over at his father. Surely not? He knew Thor was promised to another. He'd made it clear that he finally agreed to a union with Jane. This, however, was not the time.  He twirled Mjolnir in his hand, staring at Oran Mere solemnly. His horse also picked up on the tension and whinnied.

"Yes. She is my daughter, but she is something more. She is peace for my people. She knows her duty." Oran bowed his head. She would do what he told her. Of that there was no doubt. That she would like it? Of that he had no illusions. She would not.

That, would be Odins problem.

"Then we accept. Make the arrangements.  Heimdal, when you're ready!"

With that, there was a flash, and the Bifrost opened, taking Odin, Thor, and the remaining warriors back to Asgard.

Oran Mere turned and surveyed the battle scene. He sighed. What price peace, and how would he get Ariadne to go? He'd tie her up and take her himself if he had to.

He probably would.

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