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Looking back, Coronation Day was a calm oasis. Not that it seemed like that at the time. As soon as the crown sat on her head, the day seemed to shift into fast forward.

No sooner were the cheers of the assembled congregation ringing in their ears than they were back out in the sunlight, hand in hand, a Queen and her King - in all but name.

Now, sacred coronation robes had been switched for lighter but no less spectacular ones. Green and gold embroidered again, with dark green clothes beneath, this time, their robes were identical and split at the back, so they didn't crease on horseback.

Now, bedecked in their state crown and circlet, Queen Ari and Crown Prince Loki descended the steps to a matched pair of pure white stallions. Their liveries were gilded, their saddles the same. In the sunlight, they radiated majesty.

They walked their steeds slowly back to the palace, flanked by Queens Guard, resplendent in ceremonial white and gold armour, decorated with the new Royal Cypher. White rose petals fell on them from the rooftops, like a snowstorm in summer. They waved and smiled, and the crowd cheered madly.

Everything seemed idyllic.

As Ari rode slightly ahead of Loki, as befit her station, he watched with a feeling of pride he'd never experienced before.  She was radiating beauty and grace.

They passed through the city, stopping briefly at the newly erected monument to her father. Ari dismounted and laid a wreath of lillies and rosemary for rememberance, bowing her head. The only time the crown ever did so.

When she raised her eyes, Loki was astonished and proud to see no tears, just a beautifully serene smile. 

They eventually arrived back at the palace and dismounted, servants bringing them wine and cool towels after their long ride in the sunshine.

They greeted their guests as they arrived, and the Lord Chamberlain bustled off to arrange the meal. A lighter affair than previous feasts, it would he held in tents in the palace grounds.

Ari wanted to change out of their riding clothes and into something a little more appropriate for a palace reception.  Ari turned to Jane, "Would... would you do me the honour of helping me? I thought we could have a few moments peace to chat?"

Jane automatically started to curtsey, and Ari raised an eyebrow, smiling.

"Sorry!" Jane laughed and shrugged. "In that crown? What do you expect?"

The two women walked off to Ari's dressing room while Loki and Thor chatted as they went to the gardens.

"Brother, when all this...." Loki swept his arm around, "is done with, "I need to talk to you and Father. There is something brewing here again, and I need your council."

"Of course, Brother. It would be both an honour and a pleasure to assist." Thor laid a hand on his shoulder. "Do you have the palace secure, at least?"

"I think so. We only have trusted advisors and staff, as well as the guard.  It is, and I use the phrase advisedly, the common man I am worried about. Ignorance breeds ill feeling breeds rebellion."

"Be careful Brother, at times like this, even the most loyal can be exploited."

They didn't get a chance to say more as a gaggle of courtiers approached, and they turned to more mundane pleasantries. 

"Jane? Can I ask you something?" Ari stood in front of the mirror, combing her hair and braiding it into a style suitable for a more "head friendly" crown. The state crown had been taken away to the vaults again, and now she wore one very similar - but more regal - to Loki's circlet.

"Of course! You only have to ask, please, anything at all I can do...." Jane paused as she laid Ari's riding cloak on the bed.

"Well, it's two things, really. Would you like to spend some time here? As my guest? I need to stay here for a few weeks before I can think of leaving to return to Asgard..."

"You're not staying here?" Jane's eyes were wide. "You... you would be their queen but live in another realm?" She sounded astonished and, to Ari, a little judgemental.

"Well, no, I just want Loki to spend time with Thor now he has found he actually has a family.  As his wife, I should be with him, even if I AM supposed to be a queen." She winked at Jane.

Jane paused, "Does anyone else know your plan? It's... a bit controversial?"

"Just the Lord Chamberlain, Loki, and now you.  I just had to confide in someone. I trust you, Jane. Above anyone else here."

Jane smiled quietly, taking in the enormity of the statement. Then she said, "The other thing?.You said there were two things?"

"Oh.  Yes.  This is... a bit more delicate." Ari blushed and turned to Jane, taking her hand and sitting them both down on the bed.  "I feel so silly, but..." she took a deep breath. "Have you and Thor... you know... been..."

"You mean am I sleeping with him?" Jane said quietly, a small smile on her lips. Ari nodded silently.

"Yes.  I'm sorry. I know that's really personal, but I do have a reason for asking." Ari swallowed, and Jane squeezed her hand.

"Go on."

"Well... It's expected that I provide an heir for the security of the throne. And quickly." She frowned,"but truthfully? I don't want to.  Not yet.  I dont want to deny Loki his family, but selfishly, I want time with him alone first.  When we have children, I don't plan on dumping them on nannies and wet nurses."

"What's wrong with that? You're not selfish. You're ... human?" Jane shrugged and smiled at the irony of her statement. "So I assume Vanaheim - and Asgard - would object to birth control?"

Ari nodded. "For a commoner, it's fine.  No one bats an eyelid.  But the queen?" She made a face of horror, and Jane nodded. Ari looked around, making sure no one would overhear them. What she was proposing was virtually treason even if she WAS The Queen.  Jane knew.

"I can get some for you. In fact," she stood, "I have some spare with me.  I always carry a spare strip, just in case. When I go home, I'll organise more for you."

"Strip?" Ari was confused.

"Tablets, pills.  You take one per day and voila! No..." she mimed a baby bump.

Ari hugged her, "Thank you. I knew you'd understand. I will talk to Loki tonight. He has a right to know."

"Does he? It's your body, Ari." Jane was the epitome of the modern woman.

"Yes, Jane. He does.  He's my husband." The tone of her voice made it very clear to Jane the subject was not up for discussion.

The two women walked back to the main reception, chatting about more everyday things such as the colour of her dress and exactly how long Jane was being made to wait for her own wedding.

They didn't see the narrowed eyes watching them from the shadows. So, the Midgardian had the ear of the Queen. Who knew WHAT useful tidbits of information were to be gleaned from THAT particular friendship.

As Jane and Ari walked out into the sunshine, the eyes disappeared, and in their place? A raven squawked and flew out the door, a small barrel attached to his leg.

He would reach his destination quickly, and the message he carried would bring a new - misplaced - hope to some and disaster to others soon enough.

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