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In the weeks following their heated exchange in the courtyard, Ari tried to stay clear of Loki, seeing him only when absolutely necessary. Usually, in public spaces, very VERY rarely alone. Each time, his green eyes stared into hers. His smile twisted a little at her soul. How? How could she marry him? How could she not? There WAS no choice , they had NO choice.

A pure, untouched Princess of her age and status was a rare commodity. Hard to find, apparently easy to profit from, and oh yes, her own Father had profited from it. Peace with Odin. Peace with Asgard.

As she looked in the mirror that morning, tears pricked her eyes. Peggi, dearest Peggi, would have said she looked beautiful. She would never have allowed him to treat her like this. Her precious extra daughter married off as a token prize? Married to... a monster. One that parents told their children about at night to make them behave. That was another thing. Night. Tonight. For this, this was finally their wedding day and tonight? Well, the less Ari thought about THAT, the better.

The door to her chambers opened, and in walked the tall figure she'd come to think of as a brother. Ari sank into a curtsey. "Prince Thor? To what do I owe this honour?" Despite their private feelings on the situation, protocol demanded formality from them in public.

"Princess Ariadne," he bowed, keeping his eyes on her pale and frightened face. "I am here to escort you to your betrothal ceremony. Are you ready?" His voice was soft, his gentle encouragement clear.

She sighed softly and looked back into the mirror. This latest and most spectacular dress was a virgin white gossamer. Corseted, with delicate lace to the sweetheart neckline and fitted wrists. Full skirted, multi layered with a visible dark green and gold silk underskirt, again a final preparatory nod to the Asgardian custom of wearing her soon to be husband's colours. The cape that flowed from her shoulders for several feet behind her, embroidered with their name runes and symbols. In another life, she would have thought it exquisite.

Now mourning for Peggi was over. She'd had no choice but to abandon the black she'd hidden herself away in. Her maidens had carefully combed and arranged her hair - piled on her head in intricate braids. Where once before gold clips had adorned it, today precious jewels sparkled. Like the tears that threatened in her hazel eyes.

Despite herself, for a brief moment as she looked, she found herself wondering what it would be like to feel Loki undoing them. Her mind flashed back to watching his fingers entwined in hair just like hers.

Ari smiled thinly. Might as well get this over with. Picking up her flowers, all freshly picked from the Queen's garden, she turned to Thor.

"I am."

He held out his arm, and she carefully threaded hers through it. He looked down and smiled.

"He's just as nervous as you. Believe me." He spoke gently, and she nodded.

"Thank you. I'll try to bear that in mind, Your Highness." Her fears were beginning to outweigh her anger. Being bartered was one thing, being someone's wife, with all that entailed quite another.

As they walked together, Thor tried to engage her in conversation. Anything to distract her. He failed.

"Thor wait, one moment... please?" She stopped him at the doors to the audience chambers. "I know I have to marry your brother, but I don't have to like it. He doesn't love, doesn't even like me. He's made that abundantly clear at any given opportunity. Let's not pretend otherwise." Ari looked up at him."I know Loki is no keener to marry me than I him, but let's get this over, shall we?"

Ari had made up your mind. Calm. Civil. Cold. The mantra from today on.

A Princess of Asgard, eventually a Queen of Vanaheim. She would conduct herself as such. Lie back and think of... the trouble was, she knew EXACTLY who her mind wanted to think about.

The guards opened the doors to the chamber, and somewhere deep inside, a fanfare announced their arrival. The thousand guests stood and turned to watch them walk in. There was a general murmur of approval, some of the women smiling and nodding approval of her appearance.

She held her head high, her gaze, fixed on her father and Odin. Both resplendent in burnished armour and headgear. Odin carrying Gungnir, his staff; her father his ceremonial sword. The one he would use to symbolically cut the silken cord between them that would be part of the ceremony.

As she walked through the chamber toward the throne where they stood, she could see Loki, his back to her. Wearing his golden horned helmet, his raven hair streaming below, his tall stature and broad shoulders made him look every inch the posterboy Prince.

Add to that the battle armour he favoured? Hand crafted finest green Asgardian leather, adorned with gold, he truly was so very handsome. If only he wasn't who he was , if only he hadn't said what he'd said...

As he turned and looked at her walking towards him, his mouth fell open a little, and his face registered something she'd never seen before. Actual true feelings. As their eyes met, just like before, she steeled herself against a bitter rebuke. A rebuke that was not there. Replaced by something she couldn't quite fathom.

As Ari took her place beside him, he removed his helmet and handed it to an attendant. He looked younger and more handsome than ever. He looked... scared.

"Princess Ariadne."

"Prince Loki."

They exchanged greetings along with a small, stiff bow and curtsey. She longed for a kind word. For a moment, she thought he might say something, but it passed, and she sighed inwardly.

Thor relinquished his hold with a kiss to her cheek, and she turned, handing her flowers to her new lady in waiting. Ari's heart was beating increasingly fast. Her hands shook. To outsiders, a bride, anxious on her wedding day. Only she knew the truth.

Finally, the day had come. She was a lamb about to be sacrificed. Only Loki would now determine the way that sacrifice would be taken.

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