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The ceremony was long, full of symbolism, and very, very solemn. So much so, if it had been a 'real' wedding, the joining of two hearts, it would have sucked every last ounce of joy from it.

Well, almost.

As Odin droned on; as her father took the silk cord and symbolically cut it, handing his end to Loki; and as Ari promised herself to the man now staring into her eyes as if his life depended on it, she suddenly had the urge to laugh.

It was, quite simply, ridiculous. This charade. This spectacle. Her lips began to twitch. Loki raised an eyebrow, sensing her change of mood.

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "something amusing you, Ariadne?"

She grinned, her need for some sort of human interaction outweighing her reservations towards him.

"Don't you think that this is just a bit much?" She glanced sidelong at him, and she could see his shoulders shake slightly.

Odin noticed, glowering at them both. Loki inwardly cheered. Anything that irritated Odin was fine by him. They dropped their heads and stared into their laps like naughty children. The ceremony continued.

Later. Much MUCH later, the newest Princess of Asgard was presented to her people. She stood, hand in hand with her husband, waving to the assembled crowd. Odin and her father stood together in the background, approving looks on their faces.

"They will be a credit to us both." Oran smiled and nodded across as Loki caught his eye. Odin huffed and turned to the side, taking a goblet from a tray held by a servant. He raised it to his lips and swallowed deeply. This had been a stressful six weeks. Now, finally, they were joined.

"Shall we retire and leave them to speak for a while, Father? They will need to rest before the feast." Thor stepped forward and helped himself to a goblet also. "I think it would serve us well to discuss our newfound alliance. Would it not King Oran?"

Thor was sure that given time and space, the newlyweds could at least find ground to be civil to each other on. The events of recent weeks had exposed raw nerves for them all. He wanted Ari to be the salve to Loki's.

The three of them walked back in from the balcony and off into the palace, closing the door behind them.

Loki and Ari eventually were allowed by the crowd to leave, cheers still ringing in their ears.

He drew the sheer drapes, meaning they could hear and see but not be seen from outside. Ari stood awkwardly, unsure if she should sit or not. Unsure if, in the tightly corseted dress, she COULD sit.

"Wine?" Loki walked across to a nearby side table and picked up a glass, turning to her. He sounded calm, amiable even. She nodded.

"Please. Although it's been a long day and I've eaten nothing so I should be careful." She smiled, and Loki shrugged.

"Don't worry, Princess, I don't intend to ravage you. We still have a feast to get through." He said it as a throw-away comment, but it came out as a dismissive put down.

Ari sighed, "Fear not, I won't shame you. I promised I wouldn't." She turned and leaned against the nearest couch, feeling lightheaded.

Loki put down the glasses and walked over. Taking her hands, he guided her to the couch. "Sit down. Please?" His voice was soft, his eyes concerned. She might even have believed he cared. Gingerly, she sat on the edge of the couch. Her dress billowed around her, and as he looked down as her, she reminded him of nothing so much as a beautiful downy swan.

"Thank you, Your Highness." She said quietly, looking up at him.


"Thank you, Loki." She paused, "is... is something wrong? You're staring." She could feel herself flush.

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