𝟏𝟓. 𝐏𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐳𝐢.

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The press entered the room as advik opened the door they bulge coming inside as the door opened elbowing each other to prey first.

"Here,what's going on ??" Advik yelled as the press started interfering

"Sir, we have got news that you and Mr Bhavani's oldest daughter are dating!" Ask a man showing up his mic towards advik.

A new drama? Definitely yes!

"Yes sir are you both in relationship" another men screwed up.

"Mam is this true---mam mam." Everyone was yelling and throwing mic at us.

This is not a new thing as being a free public figure of an high enterprises but these fake gossips are making a different turn on for sure.

"Mam  aap pure 1 ya 2 Saal baad aaye hai sif Mr advik ko milne...? Boliye mam?" Scawking was echoing the entire chamber

I don't know why but my throat always becomes dry at these type of situations, it's not like I am interior. but a sense of security made me feel under my skin.

The paparazzi are always in the need of getting some spice from our companies to raise their their views to increase our cancel culture.

"Any marriage dates" another men

On by one everyone was asking questions leaving advik spechless yet me too.

"Are are--excuse me--." a young entered I guess he would be in his young 30s

Looking at him my skin burned with the fire but I cool myself as suck the breath in and out.

Advi dont loose the temper everything will be alright.

He entered inside pushing the paparazzi aside

A curiosity rolled inside me to look at advik and I was correct anger was seen in his eyes as he would killed him there and there. His fingers turned into fist and the veins started coming out as he pressed his fist.

He also have some grudges against him! That's why he is angry.

"Are you all went delirious, he isn't replying that means..they aren't in the relationship men." the man said standing beside him so calmly as it felt like he is stating something.

But advik next replied made me speceless and numb at the same time

"Rahul. Don't poke your nose if you don't know! Yes, I and Miss Advantika Bhavani are in relationship" he said pulling me from my waist as bumped into him thereby l saw he was looking dangerous when he told to paparazzi again eyeing that men named Rahul

How can he take such a major step without discussing aside discussing but he didn't ask me,he knows or what what are the side effects now we will be on 24*7 on news,which we affect alot.

It didn't matter me that much but what made him took this step I know this it is an act or to show someying to media or taking revenge but--

I am not confirmed yet after hearing the news Rahul was also spechless and confused by advik next step making me feel numbness in my whole body.

"Lavender,let's go " advik said giving me an intentional smile and shot fake care eyes.

Lavender who me? So softly he said to me the thing l regret is I didn't talk to media I would have made the matter clear.

"Security." he called it swiftly the security took the charge scrambling the paparazzi aside.

I was completely blank While coming from the rush of paparazzi he covered me by his huge hands covering my arms as if l am small child and also didn't ans any other question.

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