The beginning of the horror

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It's time to go to class, we go there on foot, on the way we hold hands, when we arrive at the school, two people insult us
"Dirty PD
- You are shit » Despite this, we are moving forward.
"Hey watch PD. »We enter class and start working, it's recess time,"It's disgusting, you're guys and you love each other. It's not normal, I might have to go see the nurse to get treatment" It was just that all day, we both went back to Lucas's house. Today is the weekend, I have a judo competition we arrive at the dojo, I weigh myself, eat and warm up I start the first fight and he throws me, I fall to the ground and n I can't get up. The competition nurse arrives, she touches my leg, I scream, they take me to the hospital. When I got there, they did an x-ray and told me that my leg was broken.
"I'm going to have to stop judo.
- I'm sorry Tom. said Lucas" We arrive at school and more insults. The next day it was the same and the day after that... This lasted for two months, until the day we went from verbal violence to physical violence."I arrive with Lucas towards the courtyard, and there again the same thing. They approach me and tell me
"You're just a PD
- Yes, bunch of dirty gays- Shut your fucking mouths yes we are gay and what does that make you feel?
- Oh, you're showing off, little idiot." He grabs me by the collar and hits me, he puts me on the ground, I recognize him as the one who broke my leg. Lucas rushes to me and hugs me, I start to cry. I left college still very shocked by what I experienced.

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