Always the same thing

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Still from Lucas's view

This evening we are going back to see you, I hope you are feeling better. It's hard without you. This morning, I go to class, we have French, we go up the stairs which lead to room 15. We go back and settle into our daily place. The teacher explains our work for the day. We have to write a poem about how we feel, so I take out a piece of scrap paper and write: “For you, Tom.” The first verses look like this:

“Tom, without you,

I'm not me anymore?

How can I do without you? »

I can't go any further, I feel like an emotion is blocking me: sadness, anger or maybe both.


It's the end of class, I go out and join my father in the parking lot. We go directly to the hospital, entering through the door reserved for visitors. We head towards reception, a dark-haired lady welcomes us there

- Hello gentlemen...

- We would like to see Tom Malache please

- It's not possible, sorry...

- For what ?

- I can't tell you why.

I can't control myself anymore, I explode,

- It's not possible, he'll never get over it!

- Young man not to scream, the patients are resting

I decide to go see Tom's parents, without whom all this would never have happened. I type the address into my GPS. I walk for almost twenty minutes, I arrive in front of a house with cyan blue shutters, I knock. Knock Knock knock.

- Yes, young man?

- I'm Lucas if you remember me well.

- You're Tom's boyfriend.

- Speaking of him,

- Yes I...

- Shut up, I'm not finished, your son is lying in a hospital bed, he's in a coma! And you, it makes you neither hot nor cold, you are stone, as if he had nothing

She slams the door in my face, with that, I leave quite angry towards home

A schoolboy's fight Where stories live. Discover now